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Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 2:22 pm
by deschutestrout
A great time was had by all! Hambone, Chitwnvw, 71vistacruser and I (with Zane) enjoyed a late arrival on Thursday, after successfully getting Chi's new bus running...what a fiasco. Arrived after dark, road was somewhat scary in the dark...big rocks, and big puddles hidding who knows what. Late night fire and crashed hard early. Friday was a beautimous day...sun, 55 or 60, light breeze. Late in the day we heard buses coming...horns honking...lo and behold, Spiffy and Satchmo with spouses came to surprise us! We had a whale of a time! Satch...what brand was that whiskey? Some of the best I've tasted...and I'm not much, burp, of a whiskey drinker..burp :drunken: . Rained most of the day Saturday and wind. Huge fire, kids once again to bed early, woke to a dusting of snow...and now here I sit, typing. Ready to hit the woods again soon! No pics, can't find my stinking camera...Hammy will indulge us soon I'm sure.

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 2:25 pm
by deschutestrout
hambone wrote:Back safe, no issues. Thanks you guys.
No, thank you. No, really.

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 3:50 pm
by spiffy
Was great to see you all!! And crashing the party was a ton of fun and sooooooo worth it, I'm just glad you guys were there :geek:

That engine sounds awesome Bob, send out the good ju ju for mine this week.

Pics a little later.

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 4:16 pm
by vistacruzer
all i wrote before think thursday .. friday nice sunny mark and hambone played music and sang .. could it be any better?.. ate food took a nap got up and the wind was picking up .. storm comin in .. well thought i could leave now or first thing in the morning?... i ran like a little girl.. drove home .. got gas this morning a solid 20mpg elle is running sweet.. looks like i missed more fun.. next time :pirate:

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 4:38 pm
by deschutestrout
71vistacruzer wrote:i ran like a little girl..
Couldn't have said it better myself. :color: Whazup wit dat? Good to meet you though. See you in June.

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 5:00 pm
by vistacruzer
had to be home saturday work sunday.. i was thinking no heat long drive would not of wanted to start drive cold.. i'm fixin the heat in the bus...then i will have to reach for a excuse to run like a girl all the way home :blackeye: thanks for the company music and meeting new friends hope hambone forgives me :pale:

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 6:55 pm
by Oregon72
Vista, the last time I said I would have to leave a campy trip early, Hambone threatened to steal my distributor in the middle of the night.

Cool to see you had a couple of Washingtonians crash the party - I love that!!

Was super rainy and windy on Saturday here west of the cascades - I thought for sure you guys got drenched.

Hope somebody got some pics.

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 7:11 pm
by Emily's Owner
I'm so sorry I missed it, but baby and mom are well (it was a little challenging at first), we have a new boy in the family, a bit underweight as he's two weeks early, and my cousin had a tough time of it, but apgars and everything else were fine.

Back home to have one of the two fuel pumps on the Volvo go belly up, so now am dealing with two cars with issues.... sigh. Jason at Luttrell's has Emily on her way to being a happy girl again, she's sounding better than she has in a long time, and we'll continue to chip away at her little age issues.

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 10:34 pm
by chitwnvw
Yo. Awesome.

At Casa de Spiffy, also awesome.

Pics at ten.

PS: Where are your pics, Hammy? Left camera in bus, will post soon!

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 8:07 am
by satchmo
Hey Everybody,

I had a great time at Badger Creek. It was fun to meet Hambone and Chitwn. And Mark, the whiskey was a nice single malt from Glasgow called Auchentoshan.

I have some good pics of Spiffy and CoPilot as we fought the headwinds in the Gorge on the way to Badger Creek. Spiffy went into a 'drafting' mode in the wind that would have made Dale Ernhardt proud.

I encountered torrential rains, fog, and snow on my way back home. I found out the stock headlights in Vanagons suck, especially in the rain and fog. I woke up to a blizzard the morning I got back (friends asked, incredulously, "You actually went camping this weekend?"). Then, when I went to start the van up last night to re-aim the headlights, it took a dump and let all the oil out via the oil cooler seal. Good timing, huh?

Got to get to work. See you all at Maupin. Chitwn, watch out for anymore blizzards on the way home.

Cheers, Tim




Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 8:09 am
by hambone
I was really tired yesterday. Will post soon. Can't imagine how you made it to Portland and then Walla, I was pretty fried. Must be the adventure of the open road, somethin.
Why do I always feel so gloomy after a camp trip? Weird. Back to work I guess.

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 10:03 am
by Bookwus
Hiya Bob,

How'd the engine run for you on the trip?

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 10:26 am
by hambone
Poyfect. Can you believe it? :drunken:
Still likes to stall after a long hill drop in 3rd gear. It must be the distributor, did the same thing with the old engine.

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 10:31 am
by Bookwus
Hiya Bob,
hambone wrote:..... Can you believe it?.....
Of course!

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 11:29 am
by Amskeptic
satchmo wrote: it took a dump and let all the oil out via the oil cooler seal.
Intercooler seal?

I ain't working there if it looks like that outside. Won't.