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Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 11:44 am
by glasseye
Just a note to those wondering where Barb (Elwood) got to. She's fine and at home. A last minute change of plans prevented her from traveling. :pale:

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 11:47 am
by dtrumbo
glasseye wrote:Just a note to those wondering where Barb (Elwood) got to. She's fine and at home. A last minute change of plans prevented her from traveling. :pale:
Glad to hear she's o.k. I asked about her at Maupin, but no one seemed to know what happened.

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 5:20 pm
by Bleyseng
deschutestrout wrote:
IFBwax wrote:What I really liked about Maupin was meeting folks like Aircooled Nut and others who I'd feel like I'd known like Covelo.

What a cross section of people!!! My God... young kids, older young 20-somethings... a good cross section of young and not so young parents.. and people in the 50's and seniors as well.. all of us getting along and enjoying each others' company.


I was paying for it at the gym today though.
Yes, great mix of people. Yes. I'm still wiped. Colin on Monday, misc Tuesday, cafe coverage today and tomorrow, after work today worked on brakes on the bug...8:45 and I'm 'bout ready for bed. Am I 46 or 76?

46! ya young punk! :bounce: you should still have plenty of energy left to do all this.

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 9:52 pm
by deschutestrout
Bleyseng wrote: 46! ya young punk! :bounce: you should still have plenty of energy left to do all this.
If you only knew. I'm already planning next year so blah :geek:

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 10:18 pm
by flatlander
werksberg wrote:Where are the cats?

This 1991 cat named Lucifer was in this 1976 Riviera named The Sunny Bus.

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 10:47 pm
by covelo
flatlander wrote:
werksberg wrote:Where are the cats?

This 1991 cat named Lucifer was in this 1976 Riviera named The Sunny Bus.
Meeting Lucifer was one of the highlights of the trip for me.

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 10:58 am
by Gypsie
Just a few pix that make me think "RendezVW"



Hey Mark, how long has this family been living in this nest?

Troy & Co.

Beautiful Babes:

Gypsie offspring

Field of dreams
Daddy Trumbo's little girl.
Grady Ladies
Has anyone heard form Mitch and Melissa? I have something for them and have been expecting a PM to get their address. Were they still trekking this week? Just a little concerned. Maybe someone could give a call if they have a number.

Faraway Friends:

Bummed I didn't get to play gitfiddle with Mr. Glasseye.

Hey Kirk, tell us a story:

Good Beer:
(Note the Gypsie glass just waiting to be splashed...
Bus projects:
Out with the old:
In with the new:

Bus love,
Note the gently hand rubbed seal. If you've ever seen Bob 'rub one out'
then you know what 'Dub Love' means. :pirate:

A bus, I meant a bus. Sheesh, in the gutter I tell ya.
(photo credit for the last three goes to Barry)

Time for teaching the time honored Gypsie tradition of snitching cherries.


We call it Gleaning cause most of the fruit trees we find get untended and all the fruit ends up on the ground, un used. I hope we didn't leave anyone wanting.

A chance to see Colin have some Down time:


You've heard of "the little engine that could"?

I call this "the little tree that tried...":


All in all a great time. I have some more from the journey beyond Maupin and will post them later.

Great event again, Mark. Hope to see you soon in the outback.

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 11:11 am
by zblair
Love the narrations as much as the photos, Gypsie! I've gotta get mine off of the camera and do the same, hopefully this wkend...

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 11:13 am
by Westy78
The tree "air freshener" in the porto pot is classic. =D>

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 11:23 am
by spiffy
Westy78 wrote:The tree "air freshener" in the porto pot is classic. =D>

I got a good chuckle out of that one too.

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 11:40 am
by Gypsie
It said "Lavender" but...

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 1:06 pm
by Oregon72
Gypsie wrote:It said "Lavender" but...
Stephan what were some of the other photo captions you thought of for that picture - I know you rattled off a few in Maupin but can't remember - all I know is that you were crackin' me up.

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 3:57 pm
by Gypsie
"effort in futility..."

"yeah, Riiiiiiight...."

"a tree dies in Maupin..."

And just cause I love kids books:

"Horton smells a poo..."

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 4:38 pm
by ruckman101
I noticed the hand sanitizer instructions, "Apply to clean hands...."


Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 6:56 am
by dtrumbo
O.k., it's only taken a week for me to get the pictures downloaded, then uploaded and finally ready for viewing.

First, I have to thank Mark for a fantastic event. This was our first year and quite honestly, I didn't know what to expect but this event exceeded any expectations I might have had. It was a fantastic experience.

This was not only the first RendezVW for us, but it was also our very first camping trip in our bus! No, the three-hour-long trial in the yard with the boys last year doesn't count. I have to say with all humility, I'm pretty dang proud of myself and my family. For it being the first time stepping up to the plate, I think we knocked it out of the park! Between all of us, I was the only one unprepared. My wife had the common sense to bring warm clothes as it does get a little cool in the evening. I, being of Eastern Washington decent and should have known better, only brought shorts and t-shirts to wear. Juli made me pack a sweatshirt, otherwise, I would have frozen my lug nuts off even more than I did!

My only regret is that I didn't meet more people while we were there. I was pretty good about introducing myself to folks I recognized from pics posted here on the IAC. What I failed to realize was that there were a lot more folks there that I didn't recognize! In fact, it was only after I got home and read some posts that it dawned on me that this very nice gentleman that we camped next to named Hans is actually our own Covelo! What a dolt I am. My dolt-ness continued as I never got a chance to meet JLT, even though I kept looking at his bus thinking to myself, "I swear I know of someone who owns a bus that looks just like that one!". Oh well, I'll know better for next year!

While on the topic of meeting face-to-face, I have to say what a true pleasure it was meeting all of you that I did. It was nice seeing Wayne again after thirteen years. Way too long, my friend but now perhaps we can shave it down to no longer than one year and hopefully even less! Another high point was meeting Phillip (PJ) and his lovely wife whom I'm sorry to say, I can't recall her name. Phillip is the shining example of how the image developed in the mind's eye of someone you interact with via the internet can be shattered in the most positive of ways. Those two are good people and have a beautiful bus too! Maybe someday, I'll get to see his Thing! (John, Stephan, fire away!) It was truly wonderful meeting all of you that hang here, but I have to give one more shout-out to my camp neighbors. Troy (Oregon72), his lovely wife Sara(h?), their beautiful kids and the most well-behaved, coolest dog on the planet, Willow! You guys, along with Mike (Bookwus) and Jasan (Westy78) were the best neighbors a noob-camper could have asked for. O.k. enough of my chin-waggin', lets see the faux-toes!

I was very happy to see this sign. We made it!

The view from our corner.

Paige's hoops! I think everyone was sore after that!

Those of you who have camped with kids already knew that the littlest ones are the best campers. Annie LOVED camping. Outdoors with relative free-run, she was in heaven!

Camp Trumbo with the boys, Charlie and Henry.

On the front porch of the Morningwood coffee shop. I can't remember the conversation, but I can only assume it included Asstro/Safari v. VW at some point!

Juli and the boys tie-dying. The shirts turned out great, and now we know how to make them even better next year! (Yes, the blue dot came off of Henry's forehead in only a day or so).

Charlie at Paige's hoop-shack!

A short video of my oldest enjoying the music Friday night. ... -19-09.flv

Henry and his favorite things, trains and boats.

A motley crew indeed.

A wonderful weekend, now we're headed back north with an intermediate stop at Great Wolf Lodge (giant indoor water park). Even more good times ahead!

I have to say thank you to one other who made the trip truly enjoyable. My bus. That beautiful Neptune Blue marvel of German engineering was absolutely flawless. Slogging through the monsoons of Western Washington on the way down. What I thought was a windy ride through the gorge on the way to Maupin only to realize that was a tailwind and the real winds were yet to come heading west. This bus totally rocked! I'm so proud of him and the way he (yeah, I guess it's a he) took me and my family exactly where we wanted to go without one hint of reluctance. MPG's around 15, but given how loaded it was, the wind and the fact that I drove it like I'd stolen it (75+ with the tailwinds in the gorge), I'll consider that acceptable. My bus has never run better and I'm thinking he likes to get out on the flat open road and stretch his legs. We've gone on trips to Wenatchee before, but that's a lot of mountain passes. I-5 from Seattle to Portland is relatively flat and he likes to run on the flats (just ask Troy what that blue blur was going west through the gorge!). If he ran great on the flats, the hills were no big problem either, never going below third gear. All in exchange for some gas, two pints of oil and the love of a bus owner who's deeply thankful for him taking us where we wanted to go and got us home safely again.

We can't wait for next year, so much so, the registration form for 2010 sits in front of me as I type this. This was the best Father's Day I could ever ask for. I can't wait for next year!