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Clutch Pedal Freeplay question

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 2:14 pm
by turk
This is not a problem yet, but after replacing the cable last September, and Colin adjusted it later on in June, it seems the freeplay is non-existant. I mean there is resistance from the moment I push the pedal. Not a lot, but something nonetheless. Then after about 3 inches (I'm guesstimating) I get definite resistance to the floor. Clutch works fine. It's just that seems wrong to me. Maybe I'm missing that one inch of total resistanceless freeplay at the beginning because I'm not checking it right.
It also lurches sometimes when letting up the clutch pedal doing from 1st to 2nd gear. That may be bad shifting though. My question is does that seem wrong? Are there varying degrees of resistance as you push the pedal down? I've also been hearing a sort of creak or squeak (like a wooden floor) when I let up the clutch.

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 7:36 am
by hambone
It sounds OK to me. Maybe you got used to the old cable? I think I have a couple inches of "wiggle" before the clutch engages.

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 11:44 am
by turk
I looked at Colin's notes on my bus from his June visit and it says he tightened the clutch cable so I trust it's okay. Just seems tight to me.

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 2:43 am
by DjEep
are you sure the 3" isn't the freeplay? Maybe you just have a tight return spring or slightly hungup cable. I'd crawl under there and pull on the clutch arm by hand. It should go a little bit, with effort, then hit something and stop. That "something" being the bearing hitting the pressure plate. That's the "freeplay" so make a mental note of the position of the arm when it "hits." Then have someone step on the clutch pedal so you can figure out if that 3" is the freeplay.

Or you can do it the easy way and crawl under, have someone tappa tappa lightly on the pedal while you listen at the trans/engine mating point for the :click: of the bearing hitting the pressure plate. The position of the pedal when you hear the click is the end of the freeplay.

No dice either way? Then something's up. The cable being too tight to have any freeplay would cause the catch point in the pedal to be very high, likely as in the first 2 inches of pedal.

Me thinks that the 3" is the freeplay tho. But whatta I know.... :rabbit:

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 8:18 am
by Amskeptic
DjEep wrote: I'd crawl under there and pull on the clutch arm by hand. It should go a little bit, with effort, then hit something and stop. That "something" being the bearing hitting the pressure plate. That's the "freeplay" so make a mental note of the position of the arm when it "hits."
What he sez . . . ^ . . .
(freeplay is important, so get it right. 1" at the pedal take another 1/2" if you like)