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Y'all Think I'm Slumming . . .

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2017 10:42 am
by Amskeptic
. . . and I am, but still I manage to get myself all tangled up in mechanical/electrical/emotional conundrums.

For example:



OK, I hear you say, big deal. But then:


An excruciatingly delicate disassembly of a fluorescent dashboard display on a bush-whacking search for a speedometer needle that kept sinking to due vertical south:


This required a delicate application of Gorilla Glue on the end of a small screwdriver to the spindle and needle "hub" between two exceedingly fine clock springs/limit stops/cathode tube brushes . . . (!)


... and a what-the-heck-I'm-here dab of Gorilla Glue to the end of the fluorescent tube/speedometer needle. I said to myself, I said, "pretend you are performing brain surgery on your beloved little child" to help keep me focused and deliberate. You CANNOT let your fat fingers get glued to the needle!


After gluing my fat finger to the kid's brain (good-bye piano lessons!), I had to find a razor blade and carefully cut my finger free of the needle with a range of allowable movement somewhere around .003475-.003477mm.

So, the speedometer needle is allegedly reattached to the spindle, and the oil change is complete and I am driving to Atlanta for Christmas and we might even get a holiday header up there if zabo can tell me what happened to the file folder that keeps such things . . .
