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Here's Hoping Easter is Fantastic for You and Yours

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 12:50 am
by ruckman101
Ours is gonna be chill.

Easter always brings to mind the tale of a recent immigrant to the USA who didn't get the holiday, the underpinnings and all of why the day is celebrated here. He started stopping people on the streets, asking them, "What's up with Easter?"

The first person he asked responded, "Easter, hmm, Easter, oh yeah, the kids put on these scary costumes and go door to door, getting candy and treats ... ."

Our new citizen interrupts, "No, no, no, that's Halloween, not Easter."

"Oh, yeah, you're right. Sorry, I guess I don't really know why we celebrate Easter."

Undeterred, he stops another fellow, asking him, "What's up with Easter? Why do we celebrate it?"

The second guy responds, "Easter, hmm, Easter, oh yeah, there's this fat guy with a white beard and he wears this red suit, and on Easter he slides down chimneys and brings toys for the kids ... ."

"No, no, no, that's Christmas, I want to know about Easter."

"Oh, sheesh, you're right, Christmas. Sorry, I guess I don't really know why we celebrate Easter."

Keeping on, he stops a third fellow and asks him about Easter.

"Easter, Easter, hmm, let me think, ... oh, that's right. There was this dude who was all about peace love and understanding, bucking the power structures of the day, the government, he had a beard and was a groovy cat, but a big threat to the power structure and politics so much so that they trumped up charges and nailed him to this big wooden cross, leaving him there to die. And once he was dead, they tossed his body into this cave and rolled this monstrous rock into the entrance sealing it off, they thought they had seen the last of that trouble-maker.

But on Easter morning, the rock rolled away, and the guy came out of the cave, and if he sees his shadow ... ."

Peace all!


Re: Here's Hoping Easter is Fantastic for You and Yours

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 7:14 am
by Bleyseng