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What a Beautiful Day in Portland, Or.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 11:59 am
by Mike Boell
What a beautiful day in Portland, Oregon to be out driving a bus. It's suppose to be in the low 60's this afternoon.

Re: What a Beautiful Day in Portland, Or.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 1:10 pm
by Randy in Maine
57ยบ here in the other Portland today. 60's tomorrow. Perfect days.

Re: What a Beautiful Day in Portland, Or.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 5:20 pm
by glasseye
It's happening. :cheers:

In Canada, unlike in the USA and like the rest of the world, :bootyshake: we use the Celcius scale for temperatures.

Today marks the first day we've seen double-digit temps. 10C

Spring is just around the corner. :bounce:

Re: What a Beautiful Day in Portland, Or.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 10:11 pm
by mentalQtip
We saw 70 degrees here in west Gresham. I swear I could feel the life yawning and stretching around me outside. I propped the front door open and the door from the kitchen open and opened the garage door and turned the furnace off. It was glorious.


Re: What a Beautiful Day in Portland, Or.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 10:31 pm
by bajaman72
So Cal isn't bad either. I really hate sitting at work all day and it's beautiful outside. Weekends are usually cold and/or windy.

Re: What a Beautiful Day in Portland, Or.

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 6:34 am
by Sylvester
Yesterday was like stepping into Spring when I left work. It really was like a new season when I got outside, I enjoyed my walk in downtown Atlanta!

Re: What a Beautiful Day in Portland, Or.

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 9:51 am
by Amskeptic
Sylvester wrote:Yesterday was like stepping into Spring when I left work. It really was like a new season when I got outside, I enjoyed my walk in downtown Atlanta!

Mid-60's sunny in Brooklyn. Walked to the subway. Went underground. Clattered in the dark. Listened to a canned speech every few minutes "stand clear of the opening doors". Got off at Times Square. Walked past big shiny bank buildings. Walked past bankers in white shirts and ties going to trendy lunches "ha HA the stock market is past the high point before the recession!!" Life is good.

Fixed the refrigerator at CUNY's office of labor studies. Told the post-grad fellows to keep the gasket clean.
Went back past the happy bankers to the subway. Walked back to the house in a brisk wind that gaily threw trash and sand in my eyes. Talked briefly with sisters Betty and Pat " hey you got some kind of accent, hah? You ain't from aroun here, YAAH SHE THINKS WHO SHE IS, where you from?"
I hit her with a little thick Virginia southern drawl.
"Yeah you aint from around here, SHE'S A SCOOTCH, WHY DYA BOTHAH?"
(be prepared at all times in the city to carry on two conversations at once)

I need it to be grey and cold and snowy and short days for just a few more years here if I am ever going to get this book done . . .

Re: What a Beautiful Day in Portland, Or.

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 12:06 pm
by hambone
What is it like wintering in NY (NY) after seeing the blessings of this great land? Do you find the angry rat-filled stereotypes to be true?
The last time I saw you, you were bragging about 500 miles of desert elbow room...NOW LOOKAT YA.

Re: What a Beautiful Day in Portland, Or.

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 11:24 pm
by Amskeptic
hambone wrote:What is it like wintering in NY (NY) after seeing the blessings of this great land? Do you find the angry rat-filled stereotypes to be true?
The last time I saw you, you were bragging about 500 miles of desert elbow room...NOW LOOKAT YA.
I like it, but I am on the back side of the house on the fourth floor, so it is surprisingly quiet. People are friendly and somewhat hurried, not bad, I have little exchanges with people at the gym and the Rite Aid now that we have seen each other for a few weeks running.
Perky girl, "Are you here for the spinner class?"
Dumb southern slow me, "whut, you have to teach people to do whut?"

I have really enjoyed meeting the parade of people from overseas right here in this house, England, Australia, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, the kids are unfailingly polite.

Sometimes I take apart the toaster oven:

and get it back together five hours later with new heating elements . . .

. . . the view on the way to the coffee maker:

... and the kitchen:

We recycle bottles by decorating the front and giving an open invitation to anyone who wants to cash them in:

The view from my garret on the 4th floor overlooking the back garden:

My desk is not looking too busy right now, but it is a marathon on the computer:

Halfway point from when I escape back to Georgia in a real motorcar, drive myself? I shall bitterly and forever miss the coffee here.