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So we got somebody deported the other day...

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:51 am
by DjEep
Another long story, the Minutemen would be proud..
Never mess with a person's volkswagen!

We came out of Fresh Choice yesterday to find a cherry red Dodge Ram pickup parked into Geri Lou's spare tire. The bottom of the tire was pushing the nose in.

I went into BevMo and first thing I saw was a hottie in a tight black shirt with a cherry red Dodge logo. My mind was suddenly swimming with sexy images of my girlfriend tearing her shirt off and beating her with it... But she got in another car and left.

So we sat and waited, knowing the owner of the truck had to be in either Fresh Choice or BevMo, the only stores close by in the parking lot.

...about an hour later, and as soon as my lady gets on the phone with the police, the dumbass comes over from the direction of BevMo and ask if there is a problem. DUH!!! Your truck is parked on top of our bus!!! He asks again what the problem is, as the truck is only touching the tire.

Well that tire is kinda connected to our bus!!!

My girl asks for his info and he starts to get nervous. It is now obvious there is a problem, we realize he is probably not "supposed to be here"... She starts to get pissed and tears into him for hitting her bus. All the while she is still on the phone with the police.

The dumbass gets real scared and tries to grab the phone from her. She screams "Don't touch me!" loud enough for the operator to hear. I come over to make sure he keeps his hands off of her. He starts to literally beg me to calm her down, to not report it, to "work something out."

Sorry buddy, I have nothing against Illegal Immigrants, but when one drives without a license, insurance or anything... And is then dumb enough to hit a parked car and leave it like that to go shopping... and then seem to try to "wait us out." (an hour in BevMo and he didn't come out with any booze)... he loses the game... reset, go back home and try again...

The truck has to belong to somebody and they are going to pay to get the nose pulled and painted...

By now he is visibly shaking and he suddenly changes his tune to "Someone else drove!" Then he books it into BevMo as the 5-0 pulls into the lot.

The cops where funny, one was not really taking us seriously at first, but then realized we weren't joking and ended up being really helpful and cool. The other seemed bored and mainly interested in sneaking peeks in the bus for "incriminating evidence."

We left, they impounded the truck...

20 minutes later, they called us to the station to go over a photo line-up. We picked the one that looked like him, with a "not sure" disclaimer, but with details as to what about him was familiar. Now maybe they will find the owner of the truck, connect him to the guy in the line-up or someone who looks like him and send him back to wherever :pirate:

Re: So we got somebody deported the other day...

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 11:17 am
by zblair
DjEep wrote:The cops were funny, one was not really taking us seriously at first, but then realized we weren't joking and ended up being really helpful and cool.
The other seemed bored and mainly interested in sneaking peeks in the bus for "incriminating evidence."
Wow dude. Sorry you guys had to even go through this. That stuff about the cops "sneeking peeks in the bus for incriminating evidence"
is the kind of shit that really rubs me the wrong way. I would've been calm but underneath my calm exterior that would have really pissed me off.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 11:53 am
by DjEep
At least the damage is barely noticeable, just more of the same slight pushing in of the nose and cracking of the bondo that was already there from all the people hitting the spare tire before we even got the bus. This guy just happened to be dumb enough to get caught in an act loathed by bus owners everywhere.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 11:59 am
by DurocShark
I love this avatar!


Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 12:05 pm
by DjEep
It loves you too, :goodman:

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 12:26 pm
by Velokid1
I'm not an illegal hater at all, but I had a similar incident a few years ago when my truck was parallel parked outside of our house in a residential area. Our neighbors were Mexican and while I think they were probably legal, they had friends and family over (like a dozen at a time) frequently who apparently we not.

We found out one day when the 16 yr old neighbor girl decided to let her illegal 12 year old cousin move the car for her and the girl floored it and slammed into the front of my truck.

I called the cops to take care of insurance etc, they begged me not to, acted like I was a horrible monster, yelled at me in spanish.

End result, the cops come, find out the visitors are all illegal... not insured and my truck had to live with a dented fender for the rest of its life. (Which wasn't a very long life... I sold it to a guy in New Orleans about 2 months before Katrina... he sent a photo a few weeks later of the truck in water up to the windshield.

Good for you, you did the right thing.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 12:32 pm
by DjEep
As a member of the um, "counterculture," I understand what it is like to duck the law, I also know that being stupid gets you caught.

And as a driver, I wanted this idiot off the road.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 12:57 pm
by Birdibus
Sorry for the damage. That stuff bums me out. Do you have insurance coverage for body damage? The police report is very important if you need to file a claim or take somebody to small claims court.

I was in a remote campground way back in the mountains with a big group of friends. Some european guy driving a little rental car comes to the deadend road where we were all parked, and panics as he turns around in the tight space. I guess we are a wild looking bunch with our drums and barbeque. (he he) I see my blue 71 lurch forward and settle back. His green paint is smeared across the corner of my bumper, but he has the audacity to say that it isn't his. I'm dumbfounded that he won't fess up to the obvious. His american girlfriend became exasperated with him after he continued to deny his fault despite my personal eyewitness. Some of the big guys of our group were starting to come around. She pulls out a $20 and asks if that is enough for some paint. There was no dent, just paint scrapes, so I said that was fine. If the guy had only owned up to his actions from the beginning he could have saved $20! I was't upset until he lied. Some people!

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 3:27 pm
by zblair
DurocShark wrote:
<----------------------------------------I love this avatar!
Thank you! :cheers: It said it all for me! HA!

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 5:18 pm
by DjEep
Birdibus wrote:Sorry for the damage. That stuff bums me out. Do you have insurance coverage for body damage?
No, broke young hippies can't afford full coverage. The damage is just some cracking under the spare tire, and maybe some worsening of the tire dent, so if it doesn't get fixed immediately it's not too big a deal.

We just wanted to teach the guy a lesson about being a stupid driver, I mean he parked into another car and went about his shopping!

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 5:39 pm
by Birdibus
Well, I hope you can squeeze some cash out of that turnip! Yeah, I don't have comp coverage, either.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 5:44 pm
by DjEep
just figured out how to get the pic from my cell to the computer.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 8:14 pm
by spiffy
DjEep wrote:[albumimg]237[/albumimg]
just figured out how to get the pic from my cell to the computer.





Sorry, that sort of mindlessautopilotbullshit just honks me off. We saw a guy at yellowstone open his door into the door of the brand new car right next to him....mind you not soft at all. He just looked at it and then lit his cigarette. I said some things just audible enough for him to hear me. Inconsiderate bastards is what they are.

Okay, I'm done.

Sorry about your bus Dj...I am pissed off along side you. :violent3:

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 8:30 pm
by DjEep
Not to be racist, but he may not have even known he was doing something wrong. This could be normal to him. People drive like nutballs in Latin America. Plus with all the ACVWs around, they probably stack Beetles five high to a parking space, just to save room...

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:49 pm
by zblair
OMG, What a jackass that guy was to do that to your ride. Sometimes it's all I can do to remember that karma is immediate and automatic.