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Gary Johnson

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 11:20 pm
by TrollFromDownBelow
Socially Liberal, Fiscally conservative. He's going to be on the ballets of all 50 states. There are options. :)

Re: Gary Johnson

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 8:53 pm
by Amskeptic
TrollFromDownBelow wrote:Socially Liberal, Fiscally conservative. He's going to be on the ballets of all 50 states. There are options. :)
I am casting my vote with Hillary. She is experienced, leaders of the world community know her and have worked with her, she is well-respected for her work on behalf of women and children worldwide.

Our toxic childish politics has been going after her for some twenty five years, yet she is still standing. Like the attempt to take down Bill Clinton by republicans who themselves were having affairs with staffers and interns (Henry Hyde, Dennis Hastert, Newt Gringrich, Bob Livingston, etc), the current pillory of Hillary stinks of the very worst hypocrisy.

So, yeah, Benghazi! 4 killed in a tragic attack, yet the republicans held not one hearing on the 113 people killed in 68 attacks on our embassies and consulates while Bush was President. I am sick of hypocrisy.

This lying meme applied to Hillary, is more rank hypocrisy by republicans who have been lying through their teeth for decades about the stimulative effects of tax cuts to the rich, lying about the true cost of the Iraq War, lying about the real reasons for sky-rocketing drug costs, lying about the criminal enterprise of major banks ripping off their customers in the run-up to the Great Recession, and of course we have Colin Powell's new trove of emails discussing with Hillary Clinton how to set up a server at her house because it sure is more convenient to communicate from home, but hey, let's all diminish ourselves by chanting "lock her up!" at Trump rallies.

I'll take Hillary as our President because I do like policy wonkishness coupled to high intelligence coupled to a preternatural toughness borne out by her survival and endurance of these nitwit jackals like Trey Gowdy. I like that she tried to get healthcare passed when she was First Lady, it tells me that she actually does have the Nation's interest at heart.

And, just for the hell of it, I want a woman President NOW so I can see the panic and loathing of last century's dinosaurs as they lay eyes on a woman taking the oath of office with her proud husband standing next to her, oh my god, it's Bill Clinton? That'll hasten their extinction, and I am all for the total extinction of those vestigal remnants of last century's hatred bigotry smallness and ignorance that has done so much to retard our progress as a Nation.

Re: Gary Johnson

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 7:01 am
by Bleyseng
Well said Colin as I am voting for HC for the same reasons. Gary? No, not when he has said there should be no minimum wage..huh? Let the markets float on wages? That was tried in the 1800's and failed! I am for increasing the SS tax on all wages including these CEO bonus's and finally increasing SS benefits to a more reasonable scale. No assets and worked a minimum wages, then you should start at $2500 per month. $5 million in assets, then no SS benefits.

Re: Gary Johnson

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 11:08 pm
by TrollFromDownBelow
Thanks for chiming in folks. Was hoping to get a little bit of dialogue going… Realize there's probably a bunch of HRC supporters out there, I was kind of hoping that they were folks that would traditionally support the Republican nominee that would chime in. Hey hippiewannabe where are you? :)

Re: Gary Johnson

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 8:38 pm
by cegammel
I'm just tired of old-assed white offense to anyone here, of course.

Re: Gary Johnson

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 9:01 pm
by phaedrus76
A reasonable alternative to Hillary? You might just want to take this into consideration: ... .sz8tk13e4

What's happened to rationality?

Re: Gary Johnson

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 7:57 am
by Amskeptic
phaedrus76 wrote:What's happened to rationality?
It has been co-opted by powerful forces of the status-quo. There are some who absolutely adore the current untenable status-quo. They are like any other addict. They will not willingly change, and they will lie and steal and even murder to maintain their access to their "drug". Many of them are well-dressed and speak reasonably. Like a crafty addict, they can bend reality with persuasive bullshit as they engage you in their co-dependence. Reality Itself becomes a bargaining chip. It is crazy-making for their loved ones.
We have an entire US Congress dependent upon a status-quo that is utterly unsustainable.

The defense of rationality requires a rational response to emotional horsepucky, yet our media promotes the emotional horsepucky for ratings and clicks and ad dollars, while rational follow-through is deemed irrelevant. This is a dangerous state of affairs, and I am battling a deep desire to tune it all out.

Re: Gary Johnson

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 1:09 pm
by dingo
yes, Rationality would bring down the elite power structure / status quo...they are smart enough to know that, and thus their media mouthpieces keep everyone confused and emotionally reactive with characters like Trump, as well as constant barrage of divisive keep everyone divided, confused, reactive..and thus powerless.

divide and conquer..

Re: Gary Johnson

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 3:16 pm
by hippiewannabe
TrollFromDownBelow wrote: Hey hippiewannabe where are you? :)
Are you trying to get me to out myself as being in the Basket of Deplorables? We'll see how he does at the debate tonight. Hillary has been trained as a politician literally her whole life, while Trump is a neophyte. He's lately been listening to his new staff and limiting the rants, and sticking with a more meat and potatoes Republican message of limited government, lower taxes, etc.

The most appealing aspect of Trump is that he's got the liberal political/media machine apoplectic. I'm sick to death of the hysteria of anyone who wants to exercise the sovereign rights every country has to control its borders being branded a racist. The comparisons to Hitler are ridiculous and an affront to the memory of the Holocaust. Our armed services swear an oath to the constitution, not the president.

It will come down to economics in the end. As much as I agree with Trump that we've let other countries pick our pockets with trade, if he starts a trade war everyone loses.

And Colin, it was never about the sex, it was about the perjury. Just like there is no equivalence between the terrorist attacks under Bush, which were random and killed mostly locals, and the murder of an actual ambassador and conspiracy to spin the truth and cover up the malfeasance.

Re: Gary Johnson

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 10:23 pm
by TrollFromDownBelow
Hippie wannabe - you got a laugh out loud on your comment about deplorable's. :) No, I called you out because I was looking for alternative views, make that alternative conservative views. My aim is to get some good solid dialogue going. For the record, you're definitely not a deplorable .

My political views are centrist the nature, but the nature of this site most of the folks are more left to Center shall we say, making my views look very conservative. So I called you out to hopefully get some more dialogue .... No matter where you stand on the political spectrum everyone benefits buy more dialogue from all voices from the political spectrum. It makes everyone think more critically… At least I would hope it would make people think more critically .

Re: Gary Johnson

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 9:14 am
by MonoCone
Two words that killed his tiny chances of becoming President:

"What's Aleppo?"

Re: Gary Johnson

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 7:22 am
by Amskeptic
MonoCone wrote:Two words that killed his tiny chances of becoming President:

"What's Aleppo?"
It goes deeper than that. Gary Johnson, a friend of one of our members here, is a great funny guy, but:
Don't require insurers to provide birth control.
No federal funding for stem cell research.
No bank bailout; no farm subsidies; no stimulus.
Cut federal budget by 43% to bring it into balance.
States have the right to display the Confederate flag.
Zero corporate tax would create tens of millions of jobs.
Private prisons cost $20 less/day than public control.
No student loans; they cause higher tuition.
Abolish Departments of Education and HUD.
No to mandatory vaccines; let parents decide.
We can no longer afford to shell out billions in foreign aid.
Full disclosure, but no limits on campaign donations.
Carrying guns reduces crime and mass shootings.

Recently asked, he could not name a single foreign leader he admired.

Re: Gary Johnson

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 6:55 am
by Bleyseng
He is not a informed candidate and a waste of a vote in the upcoming election IMHO

Re: Gary Johnson

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 9:11 am
by Jivermo
Gary Johnson...why did they even put him in the field? There is no viable third party, and not likely to be one with choices like him presented to the American public. And Trump? How he could be considered after last weeks debate, and his other actions, just stymies me. I'm voting for Ms. Clinton. She is really the only choice we have at this point. Besides, I like watching Bill age, and we're assured of a front row seat to 4 more years of his antics, too.

Re: Gary Johnson

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 8:34 am
by Amskeptic
Jivermo wrote:we're assured of a front row seat to 4 more years of his antics, too.
I see unhealthy apoplexy in the republican future . . . :flower: