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Re: "Big" government

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 5:27 pm
by ruckman101
I think we can all agree some form of government is necessary. That we can rely on folks to "do the right thing" obviously doesn't work. If it did, we wouldn't need any laws, now would we. Most laws are a response to folks, business, and industry actions that harm or unfairly impact others. The question is the degree and depth of dictates of the law that governments enact. No longer is legislation to ensure "the right thing is done", as protections for the minority against the majority, etc. etc. Law that most can all agree is just.

Unfortunately, tides have turned, and now the law is used to benefit those who least need protection. The costs of welfare programs for the people pales compared to the monies that go to international corporations. That's where the problem is, not the social support networks many rail against. Why are more and more folks needing assistance? Laziness? Bah, humbug. Because more and more those programs are all that is left. Nothing trickled down, everything is flooding up.

So yes, I, too, am against "big government" that allows, encourages, and rewards things like mountain top removal mining, frakking, environmental degradation on the backs and pocketbooks of the populace. Just the tip of the iceburg, by the way, of law enacted to ensure profits for corporations, and dead ends for anyone who aspires not to make a go of it on their own.

Criminal? In many ways, absolutely. Also devoid of morality, compassion, and ethics. Those are the aspects of government I would like to see changed. But as long as the elite see the people as just another disposable resource, grist for their profit mills, there won't be any change until we make it so that playing nice is the most profitable approach.

There are no absolutes.


Re: "Big" government

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 9:28 am
by Amskeptic
ruckman101 wrote:I think we can all agree some form of government is necessary. That we can rely on folks to "do the right thing" obviously doesn't work. If it did, we wouldn't need any laws, now would we. Most laws are a response to folks, business, and industry actions that harm or unfairly impact others. The question is the degree and depth of dictates of the law that governments enact. No longer is legislation to ensure "the right thing is done", as protections for the minority against the majority, etc. etc. Law that most can all agree is just.

Unfortunately, tides have turned, and now the law is used to benefit those who least need protection. The costs of welfare programs for the people pales compared to the monies that go to international corporations. That's where the problem is, not the social support networks many rail against. Why are more and more folks needing assistance? Laziness? Bah, humbug. Because more and more those programs are all that is left. Nothing trickled down, everything is flooding up.

So yes, I, too, am against "big government" that allows, encourages, and rewards things like mountain top removal mining, frakking, environmental degradation on the backs and pocketbooks of the populace. Just the tip of the iceburg, by the way, of law enacted to ensure profits for corporations, and dead ends for anyone who aspires not to make a go of it on their own.

Criminal? In many ways, absolutely. Also devoid of morality, compassion, and ethics. Those are the aspects of government I would like to see changed. But as long as the elite see the people as just another disposable resource, grist for their profit mills, there won't be any change until we make it so that playing nice is the most profitable approach.

There are no absolutes.
I agree .... absolutely.

Re: Ron Paul's Foreign Policy

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 3:39 pm
by steve74baywin
Lanval wrote:Re-edited, since Glasseye changed his post.


Steve, your response shows you didn't take the time to understand what I was suggesting, and demonstrates in spades the need for you to do so.

I'm not sure it's worth replying to you, but Mike, your post to me showed me that you
couldn't have read or taken the time to understand the conversation between Colin and I in this thread. The topic went as it did for many reason, none of them having to do with my spelling or lack of writing skills, it seems to me like you just found YET another good opportunity to do something you have done two times in the past to me.

Hey, MIKE, if you really want to help me as you want us to think, then PM me...
Yes, that is right, PM me. Someone else once suggested that a while ago and I think it is good advise. PM for the Non-subject related rants.
I'm not sure you will PM though, because your post does seem to me to more about
taking an opportunity to degrade someone in hopes of it degrading the message than it is about helping and good advise.
Like I said earlier, you wait until someone is stating they are done, or showing some disgust then you jump in with a reply that may have some value if it wasn't for everything that was discussed prior to the last post. It is almost as if your wanting those who don't read it all and haven't been following to be able to take your incorrect post and run with it....
If you can't comprehend or understand what I am trying to say here, like you eluded to in the past, PM me and help me to communicate better. But your way of doing it here is totally BS. Nuff said.

Re: "Big" government

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 10:13 pm
by denjohn ... t=My+Yahoo
The Savior State has pulled out all the stops to prop up the Status Quo. Its gargantuan borrowing and spending have fixed nothing. Contraction is replacing expansion as the new normal.