by ruckman101 » Thu Aug 02, 2012 7:52 pm
Cracked gland, or pilot nut as Bentley calls it, was the concern that I look there.
I wimped on checking the torque on the top nuts of the heads. Checked the bottom ones. Only one tightened any. Inside intake on cylinder number three, not much. I could see no way to get to the top nuts without pulling shroud and intake manifold. Wimped.
Checked everything else I could think of. Exhaust at heads all tightened up a bit, nearly all tin screws tightened. Intake at heads were good.
With the help of my nephews, putting the engine back in was like butter. It just slid on like it was more than happy to be reunited to transaxle. They held it steady rolling it under the car, then spotted as we lowered the car for clearance, everything looked good and it just slid on. Sweet.
Forgot to punch a bigger hole in the seal to run the accelerator cable through, but the initial puncture was there and I managed with much less frustration this time.
There was also the alarming realization when I pulled the engine that my braided fuel line was sagging and had been riding and rubbing a bit on the CV at the transaxle, so employed some heavy gauge insulated electrical wire to pull it up out of the way, from the clutch cable mount. I'll be keeping an eye on it, and there must be a more eloquent solution, perhaps shortening my lengths of flexible line and rethinking the fuel filter in that mix.
The slipper has no teeth.