And that is why my Squareback's generator has never ever drawn attention to itself in the past ten years. It just sits there and works.
Yeah, all of the above fotos were in the service of visiting jtauxe in Los Alamos via a lap around the caldera. Finally got to his house and had a good belt of coffee. Took one look at Jelly Bean, the Wild Westerner '73, and attacked:

Yeah, I did that to my customer's car. In the name of love. We did a brake adjustment and took a joy ride, and the car just wants to drive. It is a VW bus with all the stout heart willingness to serve, and we have to keep them going, so the above photograph was just a little rust eradication symposeum. Jtauxe has promised a phospho spa treatment for this car and I hope he gets to it. Meantime, he gets to enjoy newly cancelling turn signals and a passenger door that lets people leave from the inside of their own volition. Here's jtauxe at first sight of what I did to the left rocker panel:

The main point of the day was to get the 1972 Sportmobile running nicely, and we did. Simple stuff, clean the plugs, compression test, timing check and dual carburetor synch'n'adjust. Oh, and get rid of cracked brake booster elbows.
Now pay attention!
We had two dead cylinders. It was assumed that they were 1 and 3. I assumed that we had "cracked brake booster elbows". Yet! When we removed the spark plugs, it was 1 and 3 that showed signs of life, and it was 2 and 4 that were just black and dead.
What gives? I'll wait for anyone to guess.
Next time through, I want to drive that one!

So, when I left the jtauxe call in Los Alamos, I had just run him through the story of dorking with my voltage regulator. The test of my latest NoDielectricGreaseOnTheVoltageRegulatorContacts was now, now that it is dark, now that I need headlamps. The car started with a bright red generator light that then flickered off/on/off/on/off while the lights brightened and dimmed and flickered and threatened "severe electrical damage" just like the factory manual promised. I thought like a wounded wolf, "must go leave to die". Gently drove down the NaranjaWesty Crash Street and turned out of his view. Pulled into a parking lot and hit the high beams, ambulance fans, emergency flasher, rear window defogger, interior lights, and dragged the engine down to about 500 rpm. The generator was still putting out. Accelerated in 1st gear to 15 mph in the parking lot (6,700 rpm @ the generator) and watched the brightness brighten correspondingly. Then the regulator finally got the message and kicked everything back down to normal illumination. Repeated the test and found no change in brightness no matter the rpm or load. Now I am wondering if the regulator just up and died. Shut off the engine with all accessories still on. Started engine with all accessories still on. Lights dimmed, motors slowed, then recovered once engine caught. I guess I actually fixed it.