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Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 12:23 pm
by LiveonJG
Oregon72 wrote:Innuendo at Bean's Duo (John, did you make this sign?)

I cannot take credit for that, but I know who can.


Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 1:06 pm
by bean5446
For some reason, when Gypsie stumbled into camp around 6 am looking for coffee, I couldn't quite get outta bed to make coffee. And then I thought, "I should come up with a name for my 'coffee shop.'" Morningwood coffee house was born, and I just had to make a sign. I'm thinking of actually using the name for a real business. . .

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 1:09 pm
by spiffy
bean5446 wrote:For some reason, when Gypsie stumbled into camp around 6 am looking for coffee, I couldn't quite get outta bed to make coffee. And then I thought, "I should come up with a name for my 'coffee shop.'" Morningwood coffee house was born, and I just had to make a sign. I'm thinking of actually using the name for a real business. . .

That was awesome, as was the coffee. Is the little one all better?

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 1:14 pm
by hambone
Great coffee! And very generous of you to hand it out like that.

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 1:17 pm
by LiveonJG
hambone wrote:Great coffee! And very generous of you to hand it out like that.
Yes, thank you, thank you.


That cup saved me.


Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 1:22 pm
by bean5446
All in all I made 12 of the 64 oz french presses full of Kenya Peaberry and Nicaragua. So 6 gallons of coffee. And It still wasn't quite enough! :) I am here to caffeinate!

Next year I'll be a bit more prepared, maybe a bar like that one group had but for coffee. And some sort of barricade to keep hungover stumblers out before 06:00. :)

Juniper is still sick, a bit of a cold/cough. Hopefully not much longer now.

I'm back roasting coffee, but a million things running through my head about how this weekends fun, next year's plans, the syncro and it's needs.


Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 1:39 pm
by hambone
Lawd have mercy, if it wasn't my good pal Troy's screaming young legions at 7 am, 3" from my head, it was the perky %#)(#@ Gyspie shouting excited sociable greetings to fellow campers at 7:02...
As deeliteful as the Rendevosusovvsfesvw is I can only handle festival style camping once a year! :cherry: And an AM quiet time for the most Zen time of the day.

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 1:46 pm
by chitwnvw
hambone wrote: As deeliteful as the Rendevosusovvsfesvw is I can only handle festival style camping once a year!
Poor, Hammy. And having to go back to the city right after. No wonder you have nightmares. You should schedule in a couple days in a secluded spot to decompress.

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 2:03 pm
by hambone
That makes the woods my version of crack, doesn't it? :pale:
I had a great time, don't get me wrong. Just overload. 3 hours sleep on Sat! :cyclopsani:
Hung over and the cheerful shrieks of children and shaggy men. Double bleah!

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 2:30 pm
by spiffy
Next year I'll park on the other side of you can enjoy another overly perky morning person. :geek:

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 3:01 pm
by Oregon72
hambone wrote:Lawd have mercy, if it wasn't my good pal Troy's screaming young legions at 7 am, 3" from my head, it was the perky %#)(#@ Gyspie shouting excited sociable greetings to fellow campers at 7:02...
7:00am?? Jeez, can't believe it was actually that late --- The giggling and bickering started way earlier than 7:00. Just think of it as furthering your love for solitary camping. :blackeye:

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 3:04 pm
by hambone
Yes, sir, it was INDEED much earlier but I was being polite.
(%#$#(%#%# children! And other morning perkies. That's it next year I'm sleeping on that locomotive. (can you believe it was idling there all weekend? What a waste...)

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 3:18 pm
by Oregon72
spiffy wrote:Next year I'll park on the other side of you can enjoy another overly perky morning person. :geek:
Oh YES!!! We can dogpile Hambone and give him a wedgie !!!!!!! :cheers:

Re: Maupin

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 3:38 pm
by misszora
LiveonJG wrote:
misszora wrote:John & Kim...thank you for the sausage!
Been more than a few times I've heard that.


Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 4:58 pm
by glasseye
Maupin again exceeded all expectations. I was hoarse from laffing and only now, Monday afternoon, am I recovering. What a party!

For you poor Easterners, here's the location: That's the whole town there. On this walk up into the hills, Bookwuss commented that it looked like a model train set. Note the tiny train across the river at left and the obligatory bridge at far right. Only thing missing is a tunnel.


Mark said that he expected close to seventy cars this year.

There's an Asstro in there somewhere. Oh, wait....
Ahh, there it is. :cheers:

Trouble is.... both Amskeptic and tristessa cornered me at two separate times and confided, sotto voce "Uh, did you notice that it's not an Astro? It's a Safari" I shuffled my feet and allowed as how that was actually true and that the white one had inherited the name from his 350,000kms predecessor. To me, they're the same vehicle. Oh well.

satchmo used several points on the Asstro's rear end to lash down his awning against the Maupin winds. I think I might change his name from "Asstro" to "TentPeg".

Here's satchmo with his sweet new Vanagon and his son John, working the bugs out of a high-def camcorder.

"Oh my goodness!", says Amskeptic (or words to that effect) as he tests the throttle response of 4.3 liters of General Motors quality.

"What a piece of ^$#%@!!!", he says to Bookwuss, not realizing that I'm still listening.

Meanwhile, tristessa's on his way to repair somebody's bong with this bit of recycled hose.

Cheryl hates being photograhed, but loves photographing.

bean instructs spiffy on the correct order of placement and tasting for the beer tasting session while covelo considers his options.

neal, covelo, spiffy, LiveonJG and bean anxiously await the signal to begin.

"Dear friends, we are gathered here today..." IFBwax (thanks for correcting me! :cherry: ) instructs the participants on procedure.

co-pilot opens the bidding with something from a mason jar for bean

Sommer and baby watch with interest

As do satchmo and Mary with their portable fridge. Some people are better prepared than others. :)

Bookwus, however, has more important things to attend to: "Have your people call my people!"

"Hey, sis! You're looking in the wrong end!"

I said somewhere else that this session amounted to a PhD in beer. What an education! :bounce: (click image for enlargement)

All day long I kept wondering: "Where's Colin?"
"He left an hour and a half before we did", said satchmo, who'd arrived mid-Friday. Turns out he'd been sequestered in some abandoned gas station all day, detailing. :cherry:
Look at that exit posture. Is that an experienced bus pilot or what?

I was delighted that I'd noticed Amskeptic's inconspicuous arrival and that I managed to get coverage.
Even more delightful was my realization that Cheryl was right on the ball, too. =D>
Me 'n Cheryl, we love this stuff. It ain't easy.
Image :cheers:

Then, of course, the lies begin.
misszora, LiveonJG, satchmo, Mary, Amskeptic


Amskeptic, Cheryl

covelo, tristessa, bean, neal

I don't know who these guys are, but they sure looked happy.

Dtrumbo and family

After dinner: music. I wish I'd met this guy, but I never did. His music was just fabulous. Smooth, liquid, quieting; it drifted across the meadow like a soft breeze.

We were all transported by his music.







An amazing way to spend a weekend, eh?
Thanks to all who made this possible.

Including General Motors. :geek: