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Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 4:35 pm
by vdubyah73
hambone wrote:Too fancy? Ha you'll see.
He said gelded not gilded. :cyclopsani:

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 5:34 pm
by chitwnvw
hambone wrote:Too fancy? Ha you'll see.
Too fancy?

geld 1 (gld)
tr.v. geld·ed or gelt (glt), geld·ing, gelds
1. To castrate (a horse, for example).
2. To deprive of strength or vigor; weaken.

Mayhap 'gilded':

gild 1 (gld)
tr.v. gild·ed or gilt (glt), gild·ing, gilds
1. To cover with or as if with a thin layer of gold.
2. To give an often deceptively attractive or improved appearance to.
3. Archaic To smear with blood.

I like the smear with blood part.

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 6:39 pm
by hambone
Ok! What can I say I thot you meant gold plated. You must always consider your audience; namely the feebleminded few with too much gumout exposure. Is that Yiddish?
Wow my bus is missing it's yahoo! WHO TOLD YOU