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Replacing the Fuel Injection Fuel Pressure Regulator

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 1:14 pm
by DurocShark
I replaced the FPR today. Took 20 minutes, and that included taking some pics too.

1. Crawl under bus with 17mm open end wrench and a line clamp. I prefer to go under the bus forward of the rear wheel on the passenger side, instead of going under the engine. Too much grease on the engine that gets all over me.

2. Loosen the nut so it can be turned with your fingers. Don't remove it yet.


3. Clamp the fuel line. There's more room to clamp between the FPR and the steel line, though you can clamp the hose from the fuel tank as well if you prefer.

4. Loosen the worm clamp at the FPR and pull the fuel line loose.

5. Remove the 17mm nut with your fingers. Use your thumb and index finger to hold the fuel line nipple while using your middle or ring finger to spin the nut the rest of the way off.

6. Crawl out from under the bus and open the engine hatch.

7. Attach the line clamp at the high pressure hose from the fuel injection rail to the side of the regulator.


8. Loosen the worm clamp (if used) or cut the pinch clamp. Pull the fuel line off the regulator. Pull the vacuum line off as well.

9. The regulator should just fall out of the firewall tin.

10. Installation is the reverse of removal.

This is a GREAT time to inspect your fuel lines. The high pressure line to the fuel rail looked pristine from the outside. But here's what the inside looked like:


Obviously not reusable.

The reason you loosen the nut before removing any hoses is the @#$%^ regulator can sometimes turn with the nut. The lines hold it in place.

The crimp clamps are a pain to remove. There are two ways to do it. If you have a pair of cutters ("Dykes") you can cut the part that is crimped. If you don't the other end of the clamp is just two overlapping ends held with a hook. Pry with a thin screwdriver to get them separated. Cutting is easier.

The FPR isn't mounted square. In the photo above you see the cable grommet is sticking out at a different angle than the regulator nipple. The tin it's mounted to has a bend in it setting the regulator at that angle. It's SUPPOSED to be like that, but can be disconcerting when putting the nut on by touch. Yes, it's dark under there. Yes, it would have been nice to have a flashlight. But my flashlight batteries were dead. Sigh.

The vacuum lines in the above pic are shot. I need to order some new ones...

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 6:59 pm
by Amskeptic
Very nice write-up. I hope the new regulator cures your symptoms.

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 12:56 pm
by spiffy
(I know this is off topic, what model of camera did you get recently? I am looking for a new one....and yours looks it does a very nice job!)

When I did this job I hadn't put the foresight into it and ordered the right FI hose...I had to go out hunting locally which was an all day event in gas covered clothes.