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Rubber and Vaseline..............not what you think

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 9:42 am
by Bookwus
Hiya All,

I have a leaky rear vent window. A problem with the seal fitting properly against the chrome of the window, I think. Working on another car requires me to place the Duck outside in the driveway and it's been a bit rainy here in the PNW.

To prevent the leak until I have time to actually fix it, I came up with the idea of jamming some vaseline in the seal. I then closed the vent window and latched it. Seems to work pretty well.

But I'm wondering............will that vaseline turn the seal into a mass of lumpy goo if I leave it on for a few weeks?

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 10:46 am
by karl
Vaseline is a petroleum product. It will soften rubber and cause it to swell.

How soon?

No idea......

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 8:30 am
by hambone
The P.O. put a strip of black duct tape over a leaky seal where it contacts with the vent window frame. It works. Some day I'll replace the seal.