Type 4 case differences

Bus, Microbus, Transporter, Station Wagon, Vanagon, Camper, Pick-Up.

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Type 4 case differences

Post by 72Hardtop » Sun Feb 13, 2022 4:36 am

Here is some great info on case differences by Jake Raby...

1972 Westy tintop
2056cc T-4 - 7.8:1 CR
Weber 40mm Duals - 47.5idles, 125mains, F11 tubes, 190 Air corr., 28mm Vents
96mm AA Biral P/C's w/Hastings rings
42x36mm Heads (AMC- Headflow Masters) w/Porsche swivel adjusters
71mm Stroke
Web Cam 73 w/matched Web lifters
S&S 4-1 exhaust w/Walker 17862 quiet-pack
Pertronix SVDA w/Pertronix module & Flamethrower 40K coil (7* initial 28* total @3200+)
NGK BP6ET plugs
002 3 rib trans
Hankook 185R14's

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Re: Type 4 case differences

Post by Amskeptic » Mon Jan 06, 2025 6:13 am

T4 Oil Return Case.jpg[/attachment]A significant difference not mentioned is the later cases with the oil pump return cast into the case itself from the relief valve bore to the oil pick-up gallery. You can see immediately if you have it.

T4 Oil Return Case.jpg
T4 Oil Return Case.jpg (1.37 MiB) Viewed 2198 times
BobD - 78 Bus . . . . . . . . .115,063 miles
Chloe - 70 bus . . . . . . . . 219,045 miles
Naranja - 77 Westy . . . . . 185,060 miles
Pluck - 1973 Squareback . . 55,630 miles
Alexus - 91 Lexus LS400 . . 99,705 miles

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