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Got a line on a 74 Beetle...

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 9:07 am
by bretski
I'm going to look at a '74 tonight. $1250. Price is right, and he's says it's in good shape. Of course, that could mean anything.

Beetle owners: What should I be looking out for? I'll be taking a close look at the pan. Are there any quirks with a 74 that I should know about? Were these stock with carbs, or did they have FI?

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 10:23 am
by bretski
After doing a little research, it looks like FI began in '75. So would stock be a 34PICT/3?

Also read about issues with the "shimmies" on super beetles. This kinda worries me...

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 11:05 am
by hambone
Check heater channels (under the doors) for rust. They are expensive to replace. Also check the front end, where the struts mount. I've seen them rust out. Also check the bottom of the door sills, below the bottom hinge. They go too.
Super Beetles are nice cars. With decent struts they handle well.

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 11:32 am
by bretski
Thanks, Hambone. I read that the inside of the front fenders are important, as the strut mounts are integrated into them.

I'll bring my camera along this evening, and post some pictures if the car looks like it's worth the $$.

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 11:41 am
by spiffy
On yer mark....get set......go!

This is you trying to keep up with the maintenance on two VW's :geek:

I don't know how some folks have three or more although I have a lot of respect for them =D>

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 11:50 am
by dtrumbo
spiffy wrote:I don't know how some folks have three or more although I have a lot of respect for them =D>
Let's just say, you never get bored! :geek:

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 10:35 pm
by bretski
Well, after looking at the car this evening...let's just say that money fixes anything. I'll also say that I don't think I have enough money...

It's a 1974 Standard. Was originally green, much like my dad's old beetle. Currently, the car is purple. Not quite as pretty of a purple as LiveonJG's bus, but not terrible. The paint has spiderweb-like cracks all over it. Apparently, one of the PO's tried to fix the cracking with purple nail polish.

Left heater channel is pretty well shot. Needs total replacement. Right channel is serviceable, but needs a good sanding and coat of POR15. The pan is a complete write-off. Driver's area was patched with what looked like a piece of plexi-glass. Passenger side was still metal (at least a little bit), with plenty of holes--paper thin. In the rear, the pan consisted of George Carlin-style "mystery meat". Fiberglass would be my best guess.

3 of the 4 fenders were original, and in decent condition. The area under the spare was rusted down to nearly nothing.

On the interior, the seats would have to be replaced...imitation sheepskin covers can only conceal so many problems...and neither of the front seats would fold forward. You wouldn't want to sit on the rear seat anyway. *Yuck*
Headliner was sagging on my head, with a big gash down the middle. Instrument cluster held-in with duct tape, glove box was half-there, half-not there. Steering wheel looked like it was taken off a carnival bumpercar. Accelerator pedal gone. Shifter worked, but was not VW.

Engine sounded fine to my ear at idle. 34PICT/3 carb setup, 009 dizzy. "I like mechanical advance," said the owner. "M'kay." Aftermarket pulley, missing some tin, but looked otherwise ok. No major oil hemorrhaging that I could easily see.

Anyway, I didn't bother to drive it. (Not sure how I would have, anyway, with the missing accelerator pedal). Thanked him for his time, and drove my bus back home.

*sigh* Gotta love Craigslist. My hunt continues...

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 5:49 am
by dtrumbo
That sounds more like $250 instead of $1250. Oh well.

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 6:27 am
by bretski
You hit the nail squarely on the head, dtrumbo.