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Japan,Germany, South Korea, Europe as a whole and now

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 4:47 pm
by pj
IRAQ. Looks like once somebody moves into 1600 Penn. Ave., all that bullshit that they talked about leading up to the election to get to the big boy chair is forgotten. There is an empire to be built and a legacy to be remembered by.

So welcome Iraq to the list of vanquished foes and try to be good hosts to this Emperor's legions. Also make sure to tell your friends in Libya,Yemen & Pakistan that those USAF/USN fighters,bombers and drones are courtesy of the peace loving community organizer.

"Let me say this as plainly as I can: By August 31, 2010, our combat mission in Iraq will end," he said. "I intend to remove all U.S. troops from Iraq by the end of 2011."

I guess you like us will have to learn you just can't trust them community organizers. ... 1046.story

Re: Japan,Germany, South Korea, Europe as a whole and now

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 1:35 pm
by Velokid1
Who do YOU trust, pj?

Re: Japan,Germany, South Korea, Europe as a whole and now

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 12:04 am
by Amskeptic
pj wrote: I guess you like us will have to learn you just can't trust them community organizers.
You know what? We need to be more thoughtful. It really isn't about tit-for-tat blame games. I am disappointed as hell that Obama could not stick to the principles under which he campaigned. I am sure there are those who were disappointed in previous Presidents straying from their campaign promises.

I don't see Obama running roughshod like his predecessor, I see a thoughtful guy who has been peppered with obstacles.

Re: Japan,Germany, South Korea, Europe as a whole and now

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 5:36 am
by steve74baywin
I'd say it is not community organizers you can't trust, but CFR members.
I predicted Obama would do and not do just about everything he did and didn't do and I predicted it
based on his connections to the CFR and who his major supporters were for his first and only Senate win.

Re: Japan,Germany, South Korea, Europe as a whole and now

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 11:35 am
by pj
"peppered with obstacles"?

Isn't that pretty much the job description for POTUS?

As for running roughshod, I guess all those drone shots and US aircraft dropping ordinance all over the mid-east are just love pats to get those rascals back in order. I guess what we're seeing is an slick talking, suit wearing urban cowboy who like Slim Pickens is just riding that missile.

Whom do I trust? Not one bastard back in DC, either side will sell you out in a heartbeat.

Re: Japan,Germany, South Korea, Europe as a whole and now

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 8:55 pm
by ruckman101
We are a plutarchy. My five cents of voice is drowned by the deafening corporate billions. War seems to be our biggest growth industry, albeit on credit, to the tune of 4 trillion. Someone has to pay for it, so why not the poor, youth and elderly citizens of this great nation. Even my five cents of a voice is louder.


Re: Japan,Germany, South Korea, Europe as a whole and now

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 6:56 am
by steve74baywin
Just about everything is paid for/created by the large group of people, the masses, the peasants. This system is designed to hide that fact, that the large group of people, the masses, the peasants actually do create, make and feed the all, under the direction/control of a few.

Re: Japan,Germany, South Korea, Europe as a whole and now

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 1:56 pm
by ruckman101
steve74baywin wrote:Just about everything is paid for/created by the large group of people, the masses, the peasants. This system is designed to hide that fact, that the large group of people, the masses, the peasants actually do create, make and feed the all, under the direction/control of a few.
Yet there are those who believe it is businesses that create the wealth.


Re: Japan,Germany, South Korea, Europe as a whole and now

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 8:30 am
by steve74baywin
ruckman101 wrote:
steve74baywin wrote:Just about everything is paid for/created by the large group of people, the masses, the peasants. This system is designed to hide that fact, that the large group of people, the masses, the peasants actually do create, make and feed the all, under the direction/control of a few.
Yet there are those who believe it is businesses that create the wealth.

And it is that also, business consist of people. The difference is if it's a natural setting without thugs or a government that acts like a thug it can be a good thing. The system we have money is controlled and created by a few to fuel business, which uses people, which ends up being a bad thing for the large bulk of people.

Re: Japan,Germany, South Korea, Europe as a whole and now

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 10:27 am
by Velokid1
The truth is never at the poles. It's always in the middle somewhere. The business sector needs to be given boundaries just as individuals have boundaries. They should work in concert, and both should get something from what they are giving.
Whom do I trust? Not one bastard back in DC, either side will sell you out in a heartbeat.
I agree, but the fact is that rarely criticize Republicans which implies that your disdain for those in DC is actually partisan.

And I'm curious: do you only distrust the bastards in DC, or do you also distrust those who know who their fathers are? :joker:

I have been surprised that so many conservatives are angry with Obama for not accomplishing the things he set out to. I would expect them to be celebrating the fact that he hasn't managed to protect the environment, end pointless wars, or curb the gutting of the middle class. Republicans should be throwing a party; they've gotten exactly what they wanted for going on 12 years now.

Of course, the dirty little secret is... so have the Democrats.

Re: Japan,Germany, South Korea, Europe as a whole and now

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 9:46 pm
by BellePlaine
Velokid1 wrote:I have been surprised that so many conservatives are angry with Obama for not accomplishing the things he set out to.
You prove your own point.
Velokid1 wrote:The truth is never at the poles. It's always in the middle somewhere.
Other than your use of the term "conservative" I agree with you. This never ending 24hour news cycle is too much. It's probably unhealthy like any information overload. But I agree, Obama will never do right by the pundents. We root for our teams and we especially like an underdog.

To whom do you trust? Trust your own common sense.

Re: Japan,Germany, South Korea, Europe as a whole and now

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 8:31 am
by Velokid1
BellePlaine wrote:
Velokid1 wrote:I have been surprised that so many conservatives are angry with Obama for not accomplishing the things he set out to.
You prove your own point.
Morning, BP. Which point exactly? I made a few.