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Not one comment/post on the State of the Union Address?

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 7:44 pm
by TrollFromDownBelow
C'mon folks, are we getting soft? What did you all think?

Re: Not one comment/post on the State of the Union Address?

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 7:58 pm
by Westy78
Didn't watch it. I've pretty much given up on our federal government as far as making any changes that would benefit the majority of this country. Cynical and callused? Yep.

Re: Not one comment/post on the State of the Union Address?

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 8:28 pm
by denjohn
Westy78 wrote:Didn't watch it. I've pretty much given up on our federal government as far as making any changes that would benefit the majority of this country. Cynical and callused? Yep.
Why waste time listening to empty rhetoric.
I tend watch what they do (or don't), not what they say.
And as someone I respect put it:
" the shame is that many of the good ideas are not constrained so much by budget, or capability, but by special interests and ideologies, and petty jealousies and in-fighting.
And I hate to say, a growing mindset amongst the powerfully fortunate that if something does not directly benefit them in the short term by increasing their wealth and power, then it must be stopped no matter what, and the rest be damned."

Re: Not one comment/post on the State of the Union Address?

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 9:55 pm
by dingo
x 3

Re: Not one comment/post on the State of the Union Address?

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 9:34 am
by glasseye
It's theatre. It's good theatre and it's good television. But not much more. ... an-theater

Like ours, American politics is frequently entertaining but endlessly disappointing.

If, as Obama says "We can do better", one has to ask "Then why the $#*! aren't we?"

Re: Not one comment/post on the State of the Union Address?

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 9:32 pm
by Amskeptic
glasseye wrote:It's theatre. It's good theatre and it's good television. But not much more. ... an-theater

Like ours, American politics is frequently entertaining but endlessly disappointing.

If, as Obama says "We can do better", one has to ask "Then why the $#*! aren't we?"
I watched it. I enjoyed the "theatre". I was moved by that 102 year-old woman who had sat six hours in line to vote with all of those fellow Floridians giving her water. Here she was . . . an honored guest at the State Of The Union Address, a recipient of applause. What other country would have this moment? Come on folks, rouse from your torpor!

I was moved by Obama's roll call to "bring it to a vote" as he addressed some of the victims of gun violence, it was the most electric audience/crowd response I have ever seen at a State Of The Union Address.

I was happy, Westy78, to see our President call for a hike in the minimum wage, even if $9.00/hr seems pathetic.

Obama cannot wish these policies into being. We have to demand them. The dulled response to the State Of The Union Address does not bode well for our future. Nobody can do the leg work for us. We have to. Look at the Civil Rights marches of the '60s. Did they sit in the back of the bus and complain that "nothing is going to change anyway?"

Re: Not one comment/post on the State of the Union Address?

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 9:44 am
by BellePlaine
I missed the second half... did he address his policy on drone strikes?

Re: Not one comment/post on the State of the Union Address?

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 5:54 pm
by glasseye
To clarify, I enjoyed the speech and agreed with everything said. The theatre part resulted from my viewing of Bhoener and the rest of the republicans' reactions to the various points made. Also, the ribbon-bedecked military attendees. Most entertaining.

Here's a good analysis, IMHO ... ion-worked

Re: Not one comment/post on the State of the Union Address?

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 6:57 pm
by Westy78
Amskeptic wrote:
I was happy, Westy78, to see our President call for a hike in the minimum wage, even if $9.00/hr seems pathetic.

Sure that's all good, but it's words. Words mean nothing to me. Show me action if you want to impress me. I can spout all kinds of empty promises of unicorns and rainbows but without an effective congress that's all they are, empty promises. The increase in wage is also a false hope if nothing is done to reign in the corporate greed that plagues this country. Without a change in thinking, that hike in minimum wage will be passed right to the consumer and those minimum wage earners are right back where they started. No one wins in a push to use a gambling term.

Re: Not one comment/post on the State of the Union Address?

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 10:02 pm
by Amskeptic
Westy78 wrote:
Amskeptic wrote: I was happy, Westy78, to see our President call for a hike in the minimum wage, even if $9.00/hr seems pathetic.
Sure that's all good, but it's words. Words mean nothing to me.
The fact that he uttered those words in the State Of The Union Address *does* mean something. Go back and find the last time it was even brought up. Look at how words brought our nation to war with Iraq, and triggered a race to the moon.
Westy78 wrote: Show me action if you want to impress me.
Not here to impress you, Mr. American Voter. I am here to impress *upon you* that we cannot be a passive "show me" Nation. We have to be participants in order to get action. (p.s. it is hard work that requires sustained effort)
Westy78 wrote: without an effective congress that's all they are, empty promises.
So what shall we do?
Turn away from the President and watch his words fall to the ground?
Set a fire under our Congresspeople to enact his broadly supported agenda against entrenched intransigence?
Hmmmmmm, which one . . . . Did you see Elizabeth Warren grilling those federal regulators yesterday? What a breath of fresh air.
Westy78 wrote: The increase in wage is also a false hope if nothing is done to reign in the corporate greed that plagues this country. Without a change in thinking, that hike in minimum wage will be passed right to the consumer and those minimum wage earners are right back where they started.
That has been said before. Actual evidence points to a decent stimulative effect on the economy, particularly in those municipalities that enacted living wages, the sky did not fall on small businesses, the social safety net costs were relieved somewhat, and who wouldn't want you to know that?

We are at a unique point in this country's history, a possibly historical shift in demographics and national identity as the old ruling elite lose their grip. Jump on in.

Re: Not one comment/post on the State of the Union Address?

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 6:34 pm
by TrollFromDownBelow
Amskeptic wrote: I watched it. I enjoyed the "theatre". I was moved by that 102 year-old woman who had sat six hours in line to vote with all of those fellow Floridians giving her water. Here she was . . . an honored guest at the State Of The Union Address, a recipient of applause. What other country would have this moment? Come on folks, rouse from your torpor!

I was moved by Obama's roll call to "bring it to a vote" as he addressed some of the victims of gun violence, it was the most electric audience/crowd response I have ever seen at a State Of The Union Address.

I was happy, Westy78, to see our President call for a hike in the minimum wage, even if $9.00/hr seems pathetic.

Obama cannot wish these policies into being. We have to demand them. The dulled response to the State Of The Union Address does not bode well for our future. Nobody can do the leg work for us. We have to. Look at the Civil Rights marches of the '60s. Did they sit in the back of the bus and complain that "nothing is going to change anyway?"
I don't do this often...i.e. gratuitous "me too" posts...but well said Colin. If "we" want a change, then "we" must work for it. The most immediate example of this is how the Republicans took a "shellacking" from the Hispanic vote during the 2012 election...legislation hasn't passed yet, but they have changed their tune.

Re: Not one comment/post on the State of the Union Address?

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 6:22 am
by Sylvester
We are discussing all this in Afghanistan. Not a lot of us, but a few and we agree on a few things, like term limits, corperations out of politics, audit the Fed, take the Wall Street banks to court, no setlements. I want a revolution, and no not a overthown government, but something like the late 50's and 60's revolution.

Re: Not one comment/post on the State of the Union Address?

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 7:39 am
by Amskeptic
Sylvester wrote:We are discussing all this in Afghanistan. Not a lot of us, but a few and we agree on a few things, like term limits, corperations out of politics, audit the Fed, take the Wall Street banks to court, no settlements. I want a revolution, and no not a overthrown government, but something like the late 50's and 60's revolution.
Right on, and YOU GUYS/GALS are at the front line of what we are allegedly all about! I would think that the cynicism rife in our comfortable stateside lifestyles would make your blood boil.

The Republicans currently enjoy the worst polls in the history of our modern two-party system, yet they seem unaware that their continued obstructionism is going to cost them dearly. To hold up Chuck Hagel for Secretary of Defense because Ted Cruz and Lindsay Graham want more information on Benghazi (after all the hearings and grillings of Susan Rice and Hillary Clinton?), is utterly shameless and insane overfocus from a group of people who have lost all sense of perspective. Chuck Hagel weasn't even in the government when the Benghazi tragedy occurred, what can he possibly add to the discussion?

I'm glad to hear that you and your fellow soldiers are discussing the country your represent.

Re: Not one comment/post on the State of the Union Address?

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 2:50 pm
by denjohn
Sylvester wrote:We are discussing all this in Afghanistan. Not a lot of us, but a few and we agree on a few things, like term limits, corperations out of politics, audit the Fed, take the Wall Street banks to court, no setlements. I want a revolution, and no not a overthown government, but something like the late 50's and 60's revolution.
Sounds like you are discussing real, pragmatic, 'make the country a better place' issues.
I didn't listen, but doubt your Commander in Chief even paid lip service to any of them.
They are not percieved as being in the best interest of the powers that be.

Re: Not one comment/post on the State of the Union Address?

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 2:43 pm
by Amskeptic
denjohn wrote: Sounds like you are discussing real, pragmatic, 'make the country a better place' issues.
I didn't listen, but doubt your Commander in Chief even paid lip service to any of them.
They are not percieved as being in the best interest of the powers that be.

Commander In Chief did discuss:
gay rights for military members
jobs for returning vets
retraining programs for returning vets
women in the military
cutting only boondoggle military hardware systems not wanted by Pentagon but loved by Congress pimps
military family support as championed by Jill Biden and Michelle Obama.

He also touched upon:
raising the minimum wage
investing in green energy/reducing conventional energy useage as the military already has promoted
getting appointments passed through balky Congress for Consumer Protection Bureau (you know, denjohn, that soldiers have been unduly screwed by financial institutions?)

I don't see it with such cynicism. The guy is battling a fierce headwind, as so many many outstanding human beings have battled before him.

this excerpt was the more focused comment, but sprinklings were elsewhere, too
All this work depends on the courage and sacrifice of those who serve in dangerous places at great personal risk ā€“ our diplomats, our intelligence officers, and the men and women of the United States Armed Forces. As long as Iā€™m Commander-in-Chief, we will do whatever we must to protect those who serve their country abroad, and we will maintain the best military in the world. We will invest in new capabilities, even as we reduce waste and wartime spending. We will ensure equal treatment for all service members, and equal benefits for their families ā€“ gay and straight. We will draw upon the courage and skills of our sisters and daughters, because women have proven under fire that they are ready for combat. We will keep faith with our veterans ā€“ investing in world-class care, including mental health care, for our wounded warriors; supporting our military families; and giving our veterans the benefits, education, and job opportunities they have earned. And I want to thank my wife Michelle and Dr. Jill Biden for their continued dedication to serving our military families as well as they serve us.