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Free Energy Machine

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 10:15 am
by Lanval
I submit for your discussion and/or derision:

Why am I not surprised to find this link on the Fox News website?!

Michael L

Re: Free Energy Machine

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 11:01 am
by SlowLane
Well, that's 5 minutes of my life I won't be getting back. File it with cold fusion.

Update: Sorry Michael, I shouldn't have been so dismissive. The link you referenced had all the hallmarks of a pseudo-scientific conspiracist-fed buy-this-book-and-free-yourself-from-big-oil shill.

Mr. Johnson's permanent magnet motor does appear to have some merit, but he himself never claimed that it violated conservation of energy. The motive power has to come from somewhere. I think in this case it is stored in the magnets by Mother Nature or Father Industry, and will eventually be depleted by the work done by the motor.

Would be interesting if someone were to hook a dynanometer up to a working Johnson motor and measure just how much energy could be extracted from it, and for how long.

Re: Free Energy Machine

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 6:51 pm
by Amskeptic
SlowLane wrote:Well, that's 5 minutes of my life I won't be getting back. File it with cold fusion.

Update: Sorry Michael, I shouldn't have been so dismissive. The link you referenced had all the hallmarks of a pseudo-scientific conspiracist-fed buy-this-book-and-free-yourself-from-big-oil shill.

Mr. Johnson's permanent magnet motor does appear to have some merit, but he himself never claimed that it violated conservation of energy. The motive power has to come from somewhere. I think in this case it is stored in the magnets by Mother Nature or Father Industry, and will eventually be depleted by the work done by the motor.

Would be interesting if someone were to hook a dynanometer up to a working Johnson motor and measure just how much energy could be extracted from it, and for how long.
The presentation was worthy of skepticism. The idea is intriguing.

I do not see how it could overcome the torque load on a generator that is actually putting out electricity to run your refrigerator and all your appliances! get paid by the utility company! just buy the blueprints from us! you have to make it yourself so we're not liable for this claim!

Re: Free Energy Machine

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 10:22 pm
by Lanval
SlowLane wrote:Well, that's 5 minutes of my life I won't be getting back. File it with cold fusion.

Update: Sorry Michael, I shouldn't have been so dismissive. The link you referenced had all the hallmarks of a pseudo-scientific conspiracist-fed buy-this-book-and-free-yourself-from-big-oil shill.

Mr. Johnson's permanent magnet motor does appear to have some merit, but he himself never claimed that it violated conservation of energy. The motive power has to come from somewhere. I think in this case it is stored in the magnets by Mother Nature or Father Industry, and will eventually be depleted by the work done by the motor.

Would be interesting if someone were to hook a dynanometer up to a working Johnson motor and measure just how much energy could be extracted from it, and for how long.

No, go ahead and be dismissive. I tire of these sorts of things; if it were that easy, then why have so many better engineers not been able to reproduce it? This isn't to say that there are no new ideas out there, nor that we understand the universe in any meaningful way. I normally will tell people that we understand only a tiny fraction of the meaning of the things we see around us, which is why (though they seem technically amazing to us) our technology is so ham-handed; we sit a few men on top of a continuously exploding bomb to send them into the void, and pretend we are giants. The reality is much closer to this: go watch a small child, 3 or 4, play at the edge of the ocean, running from the waves, unaware of the vastness of that great sea, or its depth, or the things that live in it. We are less than that when it comes to science. Much, much less.

What I mean is this; there are great things to be done, but simplistic designs of the type described in the Johnson Engine won't work; they're no more than tricks. I will offer you this, however; true paradigm shifts are possible, I think. I believe even that I may have one in my possession. Those things require a real challenge to our understanding though, like flight. It will be those things we never considered, or understood that will enable real change; the Johnson Engine is nothing more than rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic, and should be treated with as much dismissiveness as you care to deploy.


Michael L

Re: Free Energy Machine

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 2:46 am
by ruckman101
Light without heat.

Always striving. May efforts to strive never be exhausted.

In the early eighties I used duct tape to strap two strong magnets to either side of the fuel line feeding the carb in the 1200cc engine in my beater even then '62 ghia. To no improved gas mileage effect. And I wasn't even surprised.


Re: Free Energy Machine

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 7:17 am
by bretski
Cold fusion is real. Believe it.


Re: Free Energy Machine

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 9:30 am
by Amskeptic
bretski wrote:Cold fusion is real. Believe it.
Wow. I need one. To brew my coffee out on the road. Where can I buy my Mr. Fusion Home Energy Reactor?

Re: Free Energy Machine

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 10:39 am
by sped372
Amskeptic wrote:Where can I buy my Mr. Fusion Home Energy Reactor?
Well, first you need a Delorean...

Re: Free Energy Machine

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 8:25 pm
by SlowLane
bretski wrote:Cold fusion is real. Believe it.

D'ja notice the knob on that thing? It goes to TWELVE! :bounce: