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Re: 9/11 conspiracy theories, Do they hold any water?

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 6:06 pm
by glasseye
Lanval wrote: Your questions have been answered in detail by thoughtful people who spent a long time working towards those conclusions.
Show us the answers. Don't just tell us that there are answers, provide links.

While you're at it, show us the answers to these questions:

The Pentagon has arguably the best security system on the planet. There were reportedly dozens, if not hundreds, of security cameras deployed around the building's vicinity. Why are we denied ANY imagery of the aircraft hitting that building?

Even though the official story brags about retrieving the passport of one of the hijackers on the streets of New York, they deny that any of the aircraft flight recorders were recovered from ground zero.

They always get the flight recorders. ALWAYS. Even, as we've seen recently, from the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean after months of searching.

Re: 9/11 conspiracy theories, Do they hold any water?

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 6:21 pm
by RSorak 71Westy
The recorders were no doubt pulverized beyond recognition when the buildings collapsed, after all they both had many stories of building above them to do the job.

Re: 9/11 conspiracy theories, Do they hold any water?

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 8:21 pm
by glasseye
RSorak 71Westy wrote:The recorders were no doubt pulverized beyond recognition when the buildings collapsed, after all they both had many stories of building above them to do the job.
No doubt. Right. Pulverized.

Flattened, sure. But pulverized? Those things are built to withstand some pretty horrific conditions.

But where are they? Including the ones from the Pentagon.

Re: 9/11 conspiracy theories, Do they hold any water?

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 8:56 pm
by Lanval
RSorak 71Westy wrote:The recorders were no doubt pulverized beyond recognition when the buildings collapsed, after all they both had many stories of building above them to do the job.
We needn't speculate. Here's an image of the flight 77 black box.

The WTC collapse was orders of magnitude more destructive, so it certainly seems within the realm of possibility, if not likely, that they were destroyed.


Re: 9/11 conspiracy theories, Do they hold any water?

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 7:14 am
by steve74baywin
The Black Boxes.
Those things that could have been so helpful, that for ages were not found, and to date they claim most were not found.
New York City Firefighter Nicholas DeMasi in his book "Behind the Scenes: GROUND ZERO, A Collection of Personal Accounts" says otherwise.
Nicholas claims along with Honorary firefighter Mike Bellone that the black boxes were found while Nick traversed ground zero in his all-terrain vehicle with three federal agents. When Mike commented on the three Black boxes, actually reddish-orange boxes with two white stripes he saw in the back of Nick's ATV the agents told him to keep it a secret, he asked them why and they couldn't give him a reason.
Supposedly a footnote to the 9/11 Commission Report flatly states: “The CVRs and FDRs from American 11 and United 175” - the two planes that hit the Trade Center - “were not found.”
A CVR and FDR is installed in each plane. That would be four boxes from ground zero and two from the Pentagon.
The storage medium of each recorder is located in a protective capsule, which must be able to withstand an impact of 3,400 Gs (3,400 times the force of gravity). Additionally, each must also survive flames at 2,000 F for up to 30 minutes, and submersion in 20,000 feet of saltwater for 30 days. Typically, to increase their chances of survival, the recorders are located in the tail section of the aircraft, which usually sustains the least impact in a crash.
Contrary to the "black box" reference, the exterior of the FDR is coated with heat-resistant bright orange paint for high visibility in wreckage, and the unit is usually mounted in the aircraft's empennage (tail section), where it is more likely to survive a severe crash.

I thought it was good.

Re: 9/11 conspiracy theories, Do they hold any water?

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 8:11 am
by RSorak 71Westy
If the Pentagon airplanes box was that mangled without many stories of high rise falling on top of them, I find that story that the 2 from the WTC towers never being found completely plausible.

Re: 9/11 conspiracy theories, Do they hold any water?

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 9:24 am
by Amskeptic
Lanval wrote:
Your questions have been answered in detail by thoughtful people who spent a long time working towards those conclusions.

You reject them because they don't fit your preferred answer.

At least I have the quality of being able to accept answers I don't like.
I have studiously and carefully communicated that I don't have answers.
I have unanswered questions.

Re: 9/11 conspiracy theories, Do they hold any water?

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 10:04 am
by glasseye
Amskeptic wrote: I have unanswered questions.

This is EXACTLY the point. Why are these relatively simple questions unanswered?

So far, regarding the data recorders, we've seen one out of six. They're fairly small and resistant to damage. They're built to survive. Again, they always find these things.

Any why no Pentagon aircraft strike images from all those security cameras? According to neighbouring businesses, "agents" appeared soon after the strikes and confiscated all of the camera data, yet none has been released. Why?

I keep beating this dead horse because there exists considerable controversy among pilots about the ability of the Pentagon strike pilot (whose previous training was restricted to a few hours in single-engine Cessnas) to execute the "official story" flight path. He reportedly made a diving, high speed, 180 degree spiral turn and a precision approach at near ground level. Many experienced airline pilots say that this projected maneuver is is pretty well impossible, even for a high-time pilot.

Re: 9/11 conspiracy theories, Do they hold any water?

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 10:14 am
by Lanval
Amskeptic wrote:
Lanval wrote:
Your questions have been answered in detail by thoughtful people who spent a long time working towards those conclusions.

You reject them because they don't fit your preferred answer.

At least I have the quality of being able to accept answers I don't like.
I have studiously and carefully communicated that I don't have answers.
I have unanswered questions.
When you call me a "captive of the conventional truth" you assert, by definition that you are working with an alternative answer. If a truth is deemed "conventional" it demands that there also be an "unconventional" truth. Here, where I've claimed the answers are given, your language implies that those answers are incorrect; elsewise you would have merely said I was a "captive of the truth" ~ a statement that would have been true.

To suggest that I am a "captive" (def, 2nd meaning: ": held under control of another but having the appearance of independence; especially : owned or controlled by another concern and operated for its needs rather than for an open market <a captive mine>") is to claim that I cannot think for myself. Insulting at best, wrong at worst, and you are at your worst here.

I would think you would know better than to play fast and loose with your language when talking with me; your language betrays your true thinking ~ you believe there is an alternative belief that I am ignoring.

My response to that is this: The truth is a harsh mistress; it cares neither for our beliefs nor our desires. We must do our best to set aside those things (as you have not) and deal with what we have. The reason I quoted the actual words of William of Ockham is that he does NOT say what people think he said; he says (I quote the original Latin) "Posit nothing that is not required". So if we don't need a conspiracy to account for an account, then the conspiracy (or if you like, "questions") must be disallowed until it is demanded.

Allow me two examples:

1. To argue that there is a compelling argument in the notion that the building collapse in the direction of gravity is problematic is ridiculous on the face of it. Yes, the direction against gravity is the direction in which the building is the strongest; this is true. But why? Because gravity is the building's most dangerous enemy; gravity draws the building down, eternally, at 14lbs p/sq inch. Nothing weakens this force; but fire, and damage from falling debris can damage the building, right? And that damage weakens the capacity of the structure to resist gravity.

Contrary to your assertion, the building should fall in the direction of it's greatest strength. No demolition is required, no questions are unanswered here.

2. Various conspiracy mongers argue that the recent purchase of the building, and the new owners purchase of insurance covering terrorist attacks suggests he knew something was coming.

Such people ignore an obvious, conspiracy free, answer:

Remember that the WTC had been attacked by terrorists before? Here's the link for those who don't remember or want more info: ... er_bombing. Why would anyone be surprised after then? There was a history of terrorists attacking the WTC. The purchase of insurance suggests not that the owner knew the future, but that he knew the past.

So I ask you: Which is more likely? An owner with an inside scoop on the future destruction of his new building, or an owner who looked at what happened a few years before, and acted prudently on that information? Doesn't the second answer pretty much exclude the need for the first?

You've asked about the collapse; it's been explained in considerable detail. The short answer is that the fire suppression systems were inadequate to the task; the ability of the firefighters to operate safely, and their occupation with the WTC proper, allowed the fire to burn. The key component is described here:

"NIST determined that diesel fuel did not play an important role, nor did the structural damage from the collapse of the twin towers, nor did the transfer elements (trusses, girders, and cantilever overhangs). But the lack of water to fight the fire was an important factor. The fires burned out of control during the afternoon, causing floor beams near Column 79 to expand and push a key girder off its seat, triggering the floors to fail around column 79 on Floors 8 to 14. With a loss of lateral support across nine floors, Column 79 soon buckled – pulling the East penthouse and nearby columns down with it. With the buckling of these critical columns, the collapse then progressed east-to-west across the core, ultimately overloading the perimeter support, which buckled between Floors 7 and 17, causing the entire building above to fall downward as a single unit. The fires, fueled by office contents, along with the lack of water, were the key reasons for the collapse"

Who makes this claim? These guys: "the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) was authorized to lead an investigation into the structural failure and collapse of the World Trade Center twin towers and 7 World Trade Center.[40] The investigation, led by Dr S. Shyam Sunder, drew not only upon in-house technical expertise, but also upon the knowledge of several outside private institutions, including the Structural Engineering Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers (SEI/ASCE), the Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE), the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC), the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH), and the Structural Engineers Association of New York (SEAoNY)"

So basically your answer to all of those experts is: "You're lying or ignorant".

I don't find you particularly patient with people who question your expertise, and rightly so. Why are you so willing to:

1. Argue these men don't understand the situation?
2. Missed obvious clues?
3. Are untrustworthy?

Your mind is better than this, Colin. Why you concern yourself with this sort of thing is beyond me... particularly when I know that you are aware of how the Iraq war was used to enrich Cheney's Halliburton buddies with overpriced, no-bid contracts. And so on. There are so many things out in the open, right here in front of us, not conspiracies but real, in-your-face problems that need, no demand our attention, yet you focus on asking questions that assume a whole range of experts are liars or incompetent. If there's any conspiracy, if there are any questions here, I think those questions are this:

"Is the idea of the conspiracy itself a conspiracy designed to draw our attention away from the outright theft and dismantling of the American republic going on right out in the open, in front of us? Is getting the minds of people like you focused on something that doesn't exist, and can never be disproven a way of getting people like you to NOT pay attention to the real tricks they play: keeping taxes on the wealthy low; exploiting the resources of the people while paying little or nothing; eviscerating the concept of the middle class; denying even basic healthcare to a vast swath of the American people?"

That's where I think you should have a question.


Re: 9/11 conspiracy theories, Do they hold any water?

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 12:10 pm
by glasseye
Mike, you present well reasoned arguments and considerable veracity. However, as others have said: there are just too many unanswered questions to permit acceptance of the "official" story.

Perhaps the real question is "Why do these questions remain unanswered?"

Your point about "we have more important issues to address" is germane. The ultimate conspiracy is the recent theft of trillions of dollars by the rich from the middle class. Like 911, it all happened in plain sight.

Of course, the conspiracy theorists would say "That's all disinformation designed to take our minds off the conspiracy" but I wouldn't say that. :bom:

Re: 9/11 conspiracy theories, Do they hold any water?

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 3:49 pm
by Lanval
glasseye wrote:Mike, you present well reasoned arguments and considerable veracity. However, as others have said: there are just too many unanswered questions to permit acceptance of the "official" story.

Perhaps the real question is "Why do these questions remain unanswered?"

Your point about "we have more important issues to address" is germane. The ultimate conspiracy is the recent theft of trillions of dollars by the rich from the middle class. Like 911, it all happened in plain sight.

Of course, the conspiracy theorists would say "That's all disinformation designed to take our minds off the conspiracy" but I wouldn't say that. :bom:
Well, in my more lucid moments, I'll say this ~ it's certainly possible that there is something amiss in what happened, something beyond the story that is central narrative of the period, as defined by the authorities (I mean to say by those in power: the gov't, business, etc.). I'm reluctant, though, to dismiss the efforts of so many men and women with training and knowledge who worked hard to account for what happened. I understand that others may not be satisfied with all the answers we've gotten, and I'll try to be more respectful of that in the future.


Re: 9/11 conspiracy theories, Do they hold any water?

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 4:35 pm
by ruckman101
Until there is transparency, there will be theories conspiratorial in tone. Based on "official stories" of the past, there is certainly a track record that invites doubt about current "official stories".

Go wikileaks.


Re: 9/11 conspiracy theories, Do they hold any water?

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 4:54 pm
by Lanval
ruckman101 wrote:Until there is transparency, there will be theories conspiratorial in tone. Based on "official stories" of the past, there is certainly a track record that invites doubt about current "official stories".

Go wikileaks.

Neal, please stop with the thoughtful, reasoned posts. More hyperbole, please.


Re: 9/11 conspiracy theories, Do they hold any water?

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 5:18 pm
by ruckman101


Re: 9/11 conspiracy theories, Do they hold any water?

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 6:42 pm
by Amskeptic
Lanval wrote:
Amskeptic wrote: I don't have answers. I have unanswered questions.
When you call me a "captive of the conventional truth" you assert, by definition that you are working with an alternative answer.
Not at all. I have only questions.

You stated:
At least I have the quality of being able to accept answers I don't like.

I interpreted that to mean that you accepted the answers provided.
There is no inverse corollary that says "by definition" I have to accept the alternative answers. That, I might claim, is logical sophistry.
I have not accepted the alternative answers.
Lanval wrote: If a truth is deemed "conventional" it demands that there also be an "unconventional" truth.
Perhaps, I use the word "conventional" to cover the current convenient consensus. That does not make me an involuntary member of the unconventional truth conspiracy nutcases. I have promulgated "conventional wisdoms" in the Volkswagen hobby that I am trying to nullify as we write here. I am less wedded to answers than you may think. I have questions!
Why do buildings collapse through their greatest vertical support columns (regardless of horizontal trusses that expand off their perches!)
Why did the BobD show NO CHANGE in CHT readings when I drove with the engine hatch open for 70 miles in 104* heat, after I have written for years that "you must keep the cool engine compartment air separated from the hot undercar air"? See? Conventional wisdoms be damned. I want to know reality.
Lanval wrote: Here, where I've claimed the answers are given, your language implies that those answers are incorrect; elsewise you would have merely said I was a "captive of the truth" ~ a statement that would have been true.
I don't buy everything I have read, I don't buy all "answers", I have questions about many different topics, I do not buy everything written in the Bible or the 9/11 Commission Report or the Wall Street Journal. Rather than "implying" that those answers are incorrect, I repeat my questions because those answers do not answer my questions!
Lanval wrote: To suggest that I am a "captive" is to claim that I cannot think for myself. Insulting at best, wrong at worst, and you are at your worst here.
Take it easy on me here.
When you wrote, "I have the quality of being able to accept answers", it tells me that you are satisfied with those answers, no? Therefore, I must strike out on my own inquiry. You are back with the group that has accepted those answers, and I must continue on, not in the conspiracy nutcase group, but on my own. I am fascinated by materials, failures, crashes, and something here with 9/11's building collapses is not adding up.
Lanval wrote: I would think you would know better than to play fast and loose with your language when talking with me; your language betrays your true thinking ~ you believe there is an alternative belief that I am ignoring.
Lanval! My word! "You" statements! You cannot tell me what my true thinking is! I do not subscribe to "an alternate belief"!
This is like a conversation with a fundamentalist, "so you don't believe that Jesus is your Savior, therefore you believe in the devil." No!
Lanval wrote:The truth is a harsh mistress; it cares neither for our beliefs nor our desires. We must do our best to set aside those things (as you have not) and deal with what we have.
Indeed, the truth of 9/11 may not be known just yet, and I shall wait with an open mind for whatever new information makes its way out. Rather than set my questions aside, I deal with today and also keep my ears open for whatever new information may arise. Why not?
Lanval wrote: If there's any conspiracy, if there are any questions here, I think those questions are this:

"Is the idea of the conspiracy itself a conspiracy designed to draw our attention away from the outright theft and dismantling of the American republic going on right out in the open, in front of us? Is getting the minds of people like you focused on something that doesn't exist, and can never be disproven a way of getting people like you to NOT pay attention to the real tricks they play: keeping taxes on the wealthy low; exploiting the resources of the people while paying little or nothing; eviscerating the concept of the middle class; denying even basic healthcare to a vast swath of the American people?"

That's where I think you should have a question.

You know me well enough to know that I keep myself informed, and shall keep my ears open for any new information regarding the above. I shall also continue to keep my ears open for any new information regarding the building collapses on 9/11. Why not?

You will not find any speculation here on my part as to why 9/11 may have been a war-mongering plot to rally some patriotic fervor to distract the populace from two very incriminating developments in the gaming of energy contracts fraud of Enron and Dynergy whose SEC files were destroyed in Building 7. And I will not bring up Michael Moore's penetrating questions regarding the expedited exits of the binLaden family just after 9/11, nope. Ain't gonna do it. I just want to know why three buildings collapsed at the speed of gravity through massive central columns that somehow politely vaporized. Floors pancake, I get that. Elevator shafts and central columns with 1 5/8" thick walls, do not.
Colin :cyclopsani: