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Re: WTF, Obama?

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 9:48 am
by steve74baywin
turk wrote:It's a non-issue really, but it tells something about the character of Obama to see how he "reacted". Think about that and tell me he is not a calculating poltician in his "handling" of the issue. And furthermore, who is Obama's chief of staff? Who was his last chief of staff? Who hired his wife as board of directors at the U. of of C. hospital?
Who is Obama's senior advisor?

Answers: Bill Daley, Rahm Emmanual, Rich Daley, Valerie Jarrett, who was chief of staff for Rich Daley

See anything important? Nothing to see here...
You might remember. Before the election I mentioned it would be important to see who he appoints and that would tell us alot. After the election I searched for a list of his appointees. I found a site that had the list with some of the groups they belonged to.
It was mocked right away for two silly reasons. One was that it listed someone who wasn't in his cabinet. Well, that person was at one point appointed, or was who he was going to appoint but they were no longer, so basically the list wasn't up to date, but an attempt to discredit the list was made. Secondly, the person who made the list thought Hillary was behind the WACO disaster, and that also was used to say the list was crap.
The list still did show who he appointed, and most of the groups these people belong to probably could be verified, and the most of these groups were created by people like Morgan and Rockefeller.
I think I will find that post.

Re: WTF, Obama?

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 10:33 am
by turk
I say, investigate Obama further. There is no harm in it. If we remember correctly, they did the same thing to W. over his grades and his service in the Air Natl. Guard. The media did not let up until he released the documents, and then they scrutinized them forensically, correct? So, not that this needs to be the top headline everywhere in the press, but it ain't over yet O. It will continue to be investigated and rightly so. He really shoulda released them two years ago.

Re: WTF, Obama?

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 11:58 am
by ruckman101
So the advantages of a silver spoon are ok, but affirmative action is a different story?


Re: WTF, Obama?

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 12:02 pm
by glasseye
So, The Donald makes a total idiot of hisself, taking credit for forcing the issue and bringing Obama to heel. The result might be a run at the Presidency by Trump, an event blessed by Jon Stewart as "The best thing for business, ever".

In other words, we get a total idiot running against Obama.

Could this not be the wiliest, cleverest political ploy in history? :cheers:

Re: WTF, Obama?

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 12:18 pm
by turk
Do you know anyone who would like Trump as president? Trump is a huckster. Like Obama. Let them play with each other. It's only entertainment. No one else is a serious candidate. Certainly would be fun to see that debate though.

Re: WTF, Obama?

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 12:26 pm
by RussellK
Politics sure makes for some strange theater doesn't it? I'm having a really hard time believing that someone capable of making the kind of money Trump has made would be so stupid as to think the birther idiocy is anything short of idiotic. And yet there he was. The missus says he's just a shameless self promoter incapable of scruples. Trump, Palin, Paul, Huckabee? Stewart's description of Romney as the guy from a Viagra ad was hilarious. How do we take that party seriously?

Re: WTF, Obama?

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 12:39 pm
by steve74baywin
I think is part of the theartre, the smoke and mirrors.
In fact, once again when something doesn't make sense, what should we do?
If he had it, why on earth not show it. Like I stated, I have shown my often for things throughout my life, I will have to show it to get my REAL ID compliant FL drivers License, so why not show it to be the president.
They either had to make it or
Smoke and Mirrors
Who cares about all things he should be thrown out office for and jailed for.

Re: WTF, Obama?

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 12:58 pm
by yondermtn
I thought Obama would have released this document during a press conference at the same time as The Apprentice finale. That would have been political theater.

Re: WTF, Obama?

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 1:08 pm
by turk
If it was me, I woulda got to the bottom of it long ago, since I would not like the whole issue being out there distracting no matter how much, or little. The fact it took Trump and a lot more media buzz, and apparently polls, to do it this way, just shows the shallowness of Obama. Then, he flew to Chicago for an Oprah taping, where he apparently continued talking about the issue; then a campaign fundraiser. So, no, the idea there are better things to address then the birth certificate sounds a little half-assed, considering what the next two things on his agenda were. It's really not rocket science.

Re: WTF, Obama?

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 1:19 pm
by RussellK
As a presidential candidate his background was investigated thoroughly and cleared. That should have been enough but all this crap is because he's black and has a strange sounding name. You know what that makes it? Racism. And it's disgusting. I wouldn't have dignified the assholes either

Re: WTF, Obama?

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 1:24 pm
by turk
Yeah, sure. It's always racism. That's the trump card to pull out on any issue. If what you say about the back-ground check is a fact, then why did W., and various other sitting presidents go through similar body cavity searches by the media and so on? Was that racism too?

Re: WTF, Obama?

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 1:40 pm
by turk
RussellK wrote: I wouldn't have dignified the assholes either
In the past, when this sort of thing happened to a sitting president, everyone took it seriously and the issues were resolved before becoming the circus Obama clearly wants it to be. So, the real asshole in this is Obama. Otherwise, he would have addressed it over two years ago. That is, if he was really the "unifier" he claimed to be in his campaign. All this time, he was actually relishing the political fallout, and I think he still is. If it were someone of substance, clarity, and true concern for the state of the union, this would have been settled already. Remarks like "bemused" about it all, don't set well as president. THAT detracts from the dignity of the office, clearly.

Re: WTF, Obama?

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 1:47 pm
by RussellK
No my friend racism isn't the trump card to pull out on any issue. But in this instance it's pretty fucking obvious. His origin was settled long before the election. Did I touch a nerve?

Re: WTF, Obama?

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 1:50 pm
by glasseye
RussellK wrote: How do we take that party seriously?
No kidding. I thought Canadian politics were fucked. Reviewing the list of possible contenders is very educational. Unless someone appears outta the woodwork, I can't see Republicans winning a kewpie doll, let alone the Presidency.

In fact, during the run-up to our federal election next week, Canada appears to be taking a significant swing to the left. The current assho.. sorry, I mean Prime Minister... is a religious, right wing, corporate tax cutting dickhead. We've had enough. :bootyshake:

Re: WTF, Obama?

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 2:05 pm
by turk
RussellK wrote:No my friend racism isn't the trump card to pull out on any issue. But in this instance it's pretty fucking obvious. His origin was settled long before the election. Did I touch a nerve?

No you didn't touch a nerve. I am challenging you with the plain facts. Those would be: GW. Bush was similarly discredited in the media while he was president. Remember Rathergate? All the hoopla, over his Air Nat'l Guard service, and his college transcripts. Well, I wasn't very interested myself, but nonetheless, was that racism? How about Andrew Jackson, 7th president- link How about Chester Arthur, 21st president : link Are they because of racism? Since it's so obvious I'd like to hear what those controversies were about then, if not racism, like today. But the race card is predictable. And apparently you hold it in high regard if you assume it "touches a nerve". That is what is truly disgusting. But now, you have some "Jeopardy" material to hold up your sleeve, compliments of me. So, do something good.