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Re: Will a Republican candidate come forth who can beat Obam

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 6:53 pm
by Lanval
BellePlaine wrote:After watching these Republican primaries and noting the lackluster interest for the "front runners" I do think that Ron Paul would stand the best chance to beat Obama. Like Obama, he inspires the young and poor to stand up for him. I think that he also has a lot of appeal to independents and Democrats who are tired the wars.
It's tempting, isn't it? I feel like it might be worth a vote, just because I'm willing to bet that he'll never get the crazy stuff through Congress, but he might actually be able to do something about our foreign policy fiascoes. At least RP believes in what he's selling.

Michael L

Re: Will a Republican candidate come forth who can beat Obam

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 6:26 pm
by denjohn ... ts_02.html
"When it comes to fighting financial fraud, the Obama Administration’s record of success has been nothing less than historic."

Eric Holder, Attorney General for Obama Administration, Address To Columbia University

May I remind the Attorney General that, in the words of Charles Ferguson, " three years after our horrific financial crisis caused by financial fraud, not a single financial executive has gone to jail, and that's wrong."

Mr. Holder went on to say:

“We found that much of the conduct that led to the financial crisis was unethical and irresponsible. But we have also discovered that some of this behavior — while morally reprehensible — may not necessarily have been criminal.”

And if that is the current standard of justice being applied to wanton, pervasive, and obvious financial fraud and white collar crime by powerful insiders in Washington DC these days, then it will come as no surprise to the thousands of victims of MF Global that no one will be held accountable. Not to mention the millions of victims of fraud in the mortgage crisis, and the ongoing predatory banking and market fixing.

And the rest of us should not be surprised when we find that nothing is safe from those who think that the law and words mean whatever they want them to mean.

When Obama said "Yes We Can" I think most Americans thought he meant something else.

And the shame and the pity is that this November Americans will be given a choice between Brand A and Brand B, which are in reality the same corporate products, manufactured by the same people, with just different marketing messages.

Re: Will a Republican candidate come forth who can beat Obam

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 9:23 pm
by BellePlaine
Lanval wrote:
BellePlaine wrote:After watching these Republican primaries and noting the lackluster interest for the "front runners" I do think that Ron Paul would stand the best chance to beat Obama. Like Obama, he inspires the young and poor to stand up for him. I think that he also has a lot of appeal to independents and Democrats who are tired the wars.
It's tempting, isn't it? I feel like it might be worth a vote, just because I'm willing to bet that he'll never get the crazy stuff through Congress, but he might actually be able to do something about our foreign policy fiascoes. At least RP believes in what he's selling.

Michael L
I agree and I don't agree, but mostly I'm happy to agree if you know what I mean. :flower:

Re: Will a Republican candidate come forth who can beat Obam

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 10:38 am
by denjohn
""One of the great blessings I've had in every political campaign is people underestimate me. They underestimate what God can do.""
— Rick Santorum

Re: Will a Republican candidate come forth who can beat Obam

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 10:57 am
by Amskeptic
denjohn wrote:""One of the great blessings I've had in every political campaign is people underestimate me. They underestimate what God can do.""
— Rick Santorum
God is on his side? Heck, I am voting for him.

Re: Will a Republican candidate come forth who can beat Obam

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 10:02 am
by Amskeptic
Heck, I am answering my own posts? Yeah.

Here is a response to an Washington Post article about Romney's "big speech" cribbed from Reagan's famous call to self-interest, "are you better off than four years ago?"
“Is it easier to make ends meet?” Romney asked. “Is it easier to sell your home or buy a new one? Have you saved what you needed for retirement? Are you making more at your job? Do you have a better chance to get a better job? Are you paying less at the pump?” .....“It’s still about the economy,” Romney said, clearly relishing the moment, “and we’re not stupid.”

No, to all of your questions, Governor Romney but there's a great big "BUT" to your questions. I know exactly under whose watch the economy crashed and burned. And I know when you have what essentially was a "great depression", it takes 4 -5 years to before things return to quasi-normal. And I also know that your prescription of "deregulate, baby, deregulate" will only make it worse because your Darwinian approach to the economy makes its virtually impossible for little guys to make a go of it.

Further, if the economy is not recovering as quickly as I might like that pales in comparison to the how I feel about Republicans making pledges to unelected persons that render the Congress of the United States totally dysfunctional. It also pales in comparison to how I feel about voter suppression, self-deportation, replacing duly elected Democratic City Councils in Gov. Romney's home state of Michigan with Republican appointed managers. It is nothing compared with my dislike of "Citizens United" and other terrible decisions by Republican appointed Supreme Court Justices. The economy cannot compare to the Republicans trying to force their way into our bedrooms, doctor's offices and body parts.

No, Gov. Romney you are very, very wrong. It's NOT the economy, it's our democracy.

Re: Will a Republican candidate come forth who can beat Obam

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 5:37 am
by denjohn
"If General Motors, Ford and Chrysler get the bailout that their chief executives asked for yesterday, you can kiss the American automotive industry goodbye."
-- Mitt Romney, 2008

"Bailout of enterprises that are in trouble, that's not the way to go. I know President Bush started it with the auto industry. I thought it was a mistake."
-- Mitt Romney, 2009

"I pushed the idea of a managed bankruptcy, and finally when that was done, and help was given, the companies got back on their feet. So, I'll take a lot of credit for the fact that this industry has come back."
-- Mitt Romney, 2012

Re: Will a Republican candidate come forth who can beat Obam

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 12:21 pm
by Amskeptic
denjohn wrote:"If General Motors, Ford and Chrysler get the bailout that their chief executives asked for yesterday, you can kiss the American automotive industry goodbye."
-- Mitt Romney, 2008

"Bailout of enterprises that are in trouble, that's not the way to go. I know President Bush started it with the auto industry. I thought it was a mistake."
-- Mitt Romney, 2009

"I pushed the idea of a managed bankruptcy, and finally when that was done, and help was given, the companies got back on their feet. So, I'll take a lot of credit for the fact that this industry has come back."
-- Mitt Romney, 2012
Breathtaking . . .

Re: Will a Republican candidate come forth who can beat Obam

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 8:08 am
by Bleyseng
Well, Rommey finally has taken a firm stand and the election battle lines are draw. Is this how it was in the 1850's when it was the North against the South about Slavery? WTF is "Christian Conscience in action"? Cutting Food stamps and other "Welfare" programs while increasing the Defense Budget? I want no part of that kind of conscience!

"Mitt Romney: "There is no greater force for good in the nation than Christian conscience in action"

Mitt Romney, the man likely to be the Republican candidate in this year's US presidential election, has rejected the legitimacy of same-sex marriage.

"Marriage is a relationship between one man and one woman," he told graduates at Liberty University, a Christian college in Lynchburg, Virginia.

Mr Romney, a Mormon by religion, was given a standing ovation. "

Re: Will a Republican candidate come forth who can beat Obam

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 11:29 am
by denjohn
"I longed in many respects to actually be in Vietnam and be representing our country there, and in some ways it was frustrating not to feel like I was there as part of the troops that were fighting in Vietnam."
-- Mitt Romney, 2007

"It was not my desire to go off and serve in Vietnam, but nor did I take any actions to remove myself from the pool of young men who were eligible for the draft."
-- Mitt Romney, who sought and received four draft deferments, 1994

Re: Will a Republican candidate come forth who can beat Obam

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 12:03 pm
by Amskeptic
denjohn wrote:"I longed in many respects to actually be in Vietnam and be representing our country there, and in some ways it was frustrating not to feel like I was there as part of the troops that were fighting in Vietnam."
-- Mitt Romney, 2007

"It was not my desire to go off and serve in Vietnam, but nor did I take any actions to remove myself from the pool of young men who were eligible for the draft."
-- Mitt Romney, who sought and received four draft deferments, 1994
Makes my blood run cold.
I am watching this election season with as much trepidation as I did the 2000 season. Then, I went into a three day funk wondering what was going to happen to my country. It went further wrong than I ever guessed.

This time, I am battling in the blogs where I can, but neglecting this fine forum with carefully selected fresh new diatribes. The numbers of solicitations for money to fight these political battles has skyrocketed in my inbox. I do not want the fate of my United States of America to be decided by who wins the battle for cash.

That cash, by the way, is ending up in large corporate coffers known as "the media, inc". I fear their editorial decision-making.

Re: Will a Republican candidate come forth who can beat Obam

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 11:41 am
by BellePlaine
Amskeptic wrote:
denjohn wrote:"I longed in many respects to actually be in Vietnam and be representing our country there, and in some ways it was frustrating not to feel like I was there as part of the troops that were fighting in Vietnam."
-- Mitt Romney, 2007

"It was not my desire to go off and serve in Vietnam, but nor did I take any actions to remove myself from the pool of young men who were eligible for the draft."
-- Mitt Romney, who sought and received four draft deferments, 1994
Makes my blood run cold.
I am watching this election season with as much trepidation as I did the 2000 season. Then, I went into a three day funk wondering what was going to happen to my country. It went further wrong than I ever guessed.

This time, I am battling in the blogs where I can, but neglecting this fine forum with carefully selected fresh new diatribes. The numbers of solicitations for money to fight these political battles has skyrocketed in my inbox. I do not want the fate of my United States of America to be decided by who wins the battle for cash.

That cash, by the way, is ending up in large corporate coffers known as "the media, inc". I fear their editorial decision-making.
I’m thinking about not voting for a President this year. Looking at the viable choices, I vote to not to encourage the bastards.

Re: Will a Republican candidate come forth who can beat Obam

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 8:01 am
by Amskeptic
BellePlaine wrote:
I’m thinking about not voting for a President this year. Looking at the viable choices, I vote to not to encourage the bastards.
We have a moral obligation to stand and deliver our vote. People have died for our right to vote.
We pick the option that is closest to our morals and values and sense, and we do not complain too bitterly about how imperfect the choices are.

Your vote is so not about "encouraging the bastards".

Re: Will a Republican candidate come forth who can beat Obam

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 9:00 am
by denjohn
Amskeptic wrote: We pick the option that is closest to our morals and values and sense
I'm wondering what you consider as our options this season?
That's a serious question, not intended as sarcasm.

Re: Will a Republican candidate come forth who can beat Obam

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 9:21 am
by dtrumbo
Every ballot I've ever voted has a place to write in a candidate's name. If you don't like who's running, write in your own candidate. I know it's futile, but the point is, you participated. You exercised your right that as Colin pointed out, people have died for. Yes, writing in a candidate is completely symbolic but at least you can honestly say "I voted!". So many people don't and things would almost certainly be different if they did. Like in Florida where it appears they've imposed the "use it or lose it" philosophy. If only their motive was to get people to actually vote instead of denying "un-wanteds" their constitutional right.