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Re: Let's examine the Ryan Budget

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 3:01 am
by ruckman101
Goodness, in the news today, constituents upset at their congressional representatives over their support of the Ryan budget plan. Contentious local meetings, even Paul Ryan's. Tea Partyish almost. But not the Tea Party. Well, maybe some disenfranchised members.

Shocker! In response, well actually recent local meeting contention probably had nothing to do with the monies invested to hoist or thwart the plan, but the financial commitment is telling, and the contention helps thaw my fears.

Well orchestrated third party conservative astro-turf groups pony up a blitz of close to two million dollars, sure they can blanket the conversation with their message while organizations opposed to the Ryan budget have managed a meager media campaign funded by a few thousand dollars above $100k.

The Koch Brother's founded has invested $400k I hear.

Pharma corps' funded front group kicked in a good $800k.

And Carl Rove's corporate money funnel outfit managed $750k.

There are other astro orgs helping financially, with additional media campaigns,,, and

Re: Let's examine the Ryan Budget

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 7:21 am
by turk
I picture you with a crystal ball. I need to consult you sometime. How much?