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Re: Jeebus, aNOTHer pot thread?

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:32 am
by Velokid1
Sluggo wrote:
Velokid1 wrote:What I really want in a President is a person who will inspire the people and then support our movement toward something better.
That's why I'm so pissed. He inspired big time and then let everyone down. The few things he did accomplish (Khadaffi, Bin Laden, Troops leaving Iraq) were't really him. He just took credit. He quit on health care and Gitmo. Even if he did take a pro-marijuana stance he'd back down or make some ridiculous compromise that helps no one but corporations. I don't think legalization could end our economic situation. But it would make a hell of a dent.

I wish Russ Feingold would run.
His accomplishments that you listed are all based beyond our borders, too.
And note that those accomplishments were the ones that have the GOP's blessing... because they won't allow anything that doesn't benefit them.

Re: Jeebus, aNOTHer pot thread?

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 9:05 am
by steve74baywin
Velokid1 wrote:
Sluggo wrote:
Velokid1 wrote:What I really want in a President is a person who will inspire the people and then support our movement toward something better.
That's why I'm so pissed. He inspired big time and then let everyone down. The few things he did accomplish (Khadaffi, Bin Laden, Troops leaving Iraq) were't really him. He just took credit. He quit on health care and Gitmo. Even if he did take a pro-marijuana stance he'd back down or make some ridiculous compromise that helps no one but corporations. I don't think legalization could end our economic situation. But it would make a hell of a dent.

I wish Russ Feingold would run.
His accomplishments that you listed are all based beyond our borders, too.
And note that those accomplishments were the ones that have the GOP's blessing... because they won't allow anything that doesn't benefit them.
Seems like he did what the money cartel wanted, not what he promised, not what the party stands for, but what the CFR and ruling elite wanted. But, I think this has happened, before, and before, and even before that, yes, it has happened yet again, and again, and again.
Which top main stream repub idiot will the people pick this time? Or will they choose between the man beating them 49 times on the left cause he has a 49% chance of winning or the one beating them 50 times on the right cause he has a 48% chance, instead of the liberty guy that won't beat him on either side but he has a lesser chance of winning.

Re: Jeebus, aNOTHer pot thread?

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 7:23 pm
by Velokid1
There was a great article I saw today about how pharmaceutical deaths and injuries now surpass driving deaths and illegal drug deaths. And yet we not only don't fight a war on those drugs, we subsidize their proliferation. Scary shot.

Re: Jeebus, aNOTHer pot thread?

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 11:23 am
by hambone
I wonder if the bottom will actually fall out? That would change silly things in a hurry. I wonder if total global collapse is possible in this Electronic Age?
-Jolly Joe

Re: Jeebus, aNOTHer pot thread?

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 11:42 am
by Velokid1
It's incredibly possible. In fact it's likely. Because of our electronics based infrastructure. Google "Nuclear EMP".

Re: Jeebus, aNOTHer pot thread?

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 9:24 am
by glasseye
Richard Branson on Portugal and drugs. ... r-on-drugs

Let's have evidence-based decision making instead of decision-based evidence making.

Re: Jeebus, aNOTHer pot thread?

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 9:55 am
by Velokid1
Thanks, glasseye.

Anyone following what's going on at the federal level with marijuana right now? The US has multiple patents on medical uses of cannabis, and are now licensing those patents to select pharmaceutical companies, even though the scheduling and prohibition of cannabis is predicated on the notion that there are no medical uses for the plant.

And concurrently we are seeing a crackdown nationwide on medical marijuana dispensaries and clubs in states that have legalized them.

The DEA and the IRS are working in conjunction with the DoJ on this, and historically the teaming up of those three agencies is an indication that something very serious is going down. And the only things taken very seriously by the federal government usually involve setting big business up to make huge profits.

Re: Jeebus, aNOTHer pot thread?

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 1:05 pm
by Sylvester
Velokid1 wrote:The DEA and the IRS are working in conjunction with the DoJ on this, and historically the teaming up of those three agencies is an indication that something very serious is going down. And the only things taken very seriously by the federal government usually involve setting big business up to make huge profits.
I see it, pot is legalized, Big Tobacco becomes Big Cannabis! Taxed by the government, horded for profit by corporations. Could that happen?

Re: Jeebus, aNOTHer pot thread?

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 2:31 pm
by Velokid1
The tobacco thing is possible, but what seems guaranteed is the pharmaceutical use of cannabinoids isolated from the plant.

The plant has bonafide medical uses. The tricky thing is, it's only effective when the plant is kept relatively intact. The synergistic interactions of the various cannabinoids and terpenes seems to be key to its medical effectiveness. But Big Pharma doesn't like that because they don't want people to be able to produce the final, most effective form of the "drug" for pennies in their backyard. They want to synthesize it so they can patent it and make a billion dollars while keeping laymen from being able to produce it safely and cheaply in their back yard. The way they have angled to make this happen is (a) insist that anything that is smoked is NOT safe medical usage and then (b) create an effective synthetic version to sell at outrageous prices.

The problem is, (a) there is absolutely zero correlation between inhaled cannabis in moderate amounts and any significant disease and (b) they have been unable thus far to create a synthetic form of cannabis (the cannabinoids therein) that is anywhere near as effective as the plant itself in its unprocessed and natural form.

Now they're even buying up patents for extraction processes. Did you know you could patent CO2 extraction methods? Kind of like patenting hop scotch. "Anyone who hop scotches from now on must pay me a fee!"

So they may eventually come up with an effective synthetic form, hand that goldmine to Big Pharma at sick people's expense, then keep on with the "smoked cannabis KILLS" message and allow the tobacco/alcohol industries to cash in on those, since they already have decades of experience selling deadly substances to the public and getting rich off of it.

Re: Jeebus, aNOTHer pot thread?

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 9:24 am
by Velokid1
This Gary Johnson fellow is interesting. Seems like a good guy so it's no wonder he isn't on the Presidential Candidate radar at all.
Tonight: 8pmEST - Gary Johnson Talks Marijuana Legalization! Join Gov. Gary For At On-Line Town Hall

Former New Mexico Governor and presidential candidate Gary Johnson will be joined by Rob Kampia, Executive Director of the Marijuana Policy Project, tonight, January 9, for a live national on-line Town Hall to discuss U.S. Marijuana policy. The Town Hall will allow anyone who wishes to participate to ask questions and share viewpoints with Governor Johnson and Mr. Kampia.

The Town Hall will be conducted from 8:00 p.m. To 9:30 p.m. EST.

It will be an interactive live video chat, and anyone who wishes to participate can do so by going to Yowie

Please join Governor Johnson and Mr. Kampia for this great opportunity to discuss an issue of great importance and interest. Your input and participation is extremely valua ble!

Re: Jeebus, aNOTHer pot thread?

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 12:17 am
by Velokid1
Marijuana doesn't harm lung function, study found

CHICAGO (AP) — Smoking a joint once a week or a bit more apparently doesn't harm the lungs, suggests a 20-year study that bolsters evidence that marijuana doesn't do the kind of damage tobacco does.

The results, from one of the largest and longest studies on the health effects of marijuana, are hazier for heavy users — those who smoke two or more joints daily for several years. The data suggest that using marijuana that often might cause a decline in lung function, but there weren't enough heavy users among the 5,000 young adults in the study to draw firm conclusions.

Still, the authors recommended "caution and moderation when marijuana use is considered."

Marijuana is an illegal drug under federal law although some states allow its use for medical purposes.

The study by researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, and the University of Alabama at Birmingham was released Tuesday by the Journal of the American Medical Association.

The findings echo results in some smaller studies that showed while marijuana contains some of the same toxic chemicals as tobacco, it does not carry the same risks for lung disease.

It's not clear why that is so, but it's possible that the main active ingredient in marijuana, a chemical known as THC, makes the difference. THC causes the "high" that users feel. It also helps fight inflammation and may counteract the effects of more irritating chemicals in the drug, said Dr. Donald Tashkin, a marijuana researcher and an emeritus professor of medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles. Tashkin was not involved in the new study.

Study co-author Dr. Stefan Kertesz said there are other aspects of marijuana that may help explain the results.

Unlike cigarette smokers, marijuana users tend to breathe in deeply when they inhale a joint, which some researchers think might strengthen lung tissue. (stupid idea) But the common lung function tests used in the study require the same kind of deep breathing that marijuana smokers are used to, so their good test results might partly reflect lots of practice, said Kertesz, a drug abuse researcher and preventive medicine specialist at the Alabama university.

The study authors analyzed data from participants in a 20-year federally funded health study in young adults that began in 1985. Their analysis was funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

The study randomly enrolled 5,115 men and women aged 18 through 30 in four cities: Birmingham, Chicago, Oakland, Calif., and Minneapolis. Roughly equal numbers of blacks and whites took part, but no other minorities. Participants were periodically asked about recent marijuana or cigarette use and had several lung function tests during the study.

Overall, about 37 percent reported at least occasional marijuana use, and most users also reported having smoked cigarettes; 17 percent of participants said they'd smoked cigarettes but not marijuana. Those results are similar to national estimates.

On average, cigarette users smoked about 9 cigarettes daily, while average marijuana use was only a joint or two a few times a month — typical for U.S. marijuana users, Kertesz said.

The authors calculated the effects of tobacco and marijuana separately, both in people who used only one or the other, and in people who used both. They also considered other factors that could influence lung function, including air pollution in cities studied.

The analyses showed pot didn't appear to harm lung function, but cigarettes did. Cigarette smokers' test scores worsened steadily during the study. Smoking marijuana as often as one joint daily for seven years, or one joint weekly for 20 years was not linked with worse scores. Very few study participants smoked more often than that.

Like cigarette smokers, marijuana users can develop throat irritation and coughs, but the study didn't focus on those. It also didn't examine lung cancer, but other studies haven't found any definitive link between marijuana use and cancer.

Re: Jeebus, aNOTHer pot thread?

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 10:29 am
by steve74baywin
Velokid1 wrote:This Gary Johnson fellow is interesting. Seems like a good guy so it's no wonder he isn't on the Presidential Candidate radar at all.

Be advised.
He has almost the same belief's/ideas as Ron Paul. They probably agree on 95%+
So whatever turned you off to Ron Paul will more than likely turn you off with him.

Re: Jeebus, aNOTHer pot thread?

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 10:53 am
by hambone
Studies aside, lungs aren't supposed to have smoke in them. It may not be as risky as tobacco, but I'd not call it physically medicinal. Mentally yes.
The question is, how to slow down the world to match the mellow gentleness that cannabis provides? I am becomming more and more unable (unwilling?) to speed up to jump onto the running box car. Or society is hurtling out of control and we all feel the desperation.

Re: Jeebus, aNOTHer pot thread?

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 2:06 pm
by RSorak 71Westy
I know from personal experience that pot smoke doesn't much effect the lungs. I've been smoking it daily for 30 years now. If it did I think I'd have noticed. Up until a few years ago I used to do a lot of bike riding, and my CV system worked well. I need to get back in that habit.

Re: Jeebus, aNOTHer pot thread?

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 2:09 pm
by Amskeptic
hambone wrote:Studies aside, lungs aren't supposed to have smoke in them. It may not be as risky as tobacco, but I'd not call it physically medicinal. Mentally yes.
The question is, how to slow down the world to match the mellow gentleness that cannabis provides? I am becomming more and more unable (unwilling?) to speed up to jump onto the running box car. Or society is hurtling out of control and we all feel the desperation.
Even though I look like I am spinning in circles, I am slipping into Mellow Gentle. Is it because I smoke cannabis? No.
It is because I take the time to enjoy the time ... like cannabis users do in the very act of getting high and enjoying a buzz. Now I am addicted to not rushing.

I am unable and unwilling to speed up and jump onto a running box car, because I found where the parked ones are. I see society and the marketplace owning people's time, and think that is more the crime against people's singular journeys here on Earth.

The threat of cannabis almost looks to be because it re-prioritizes people back to their God-given sensory lives instead of the manufactured helter-skelter of frantically helping others make more money.