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Post by glasseye » Wed Dec 01, 2010 2:09 pm

vdubyah73 wrote:... the judao christian morals that the country was founded on caused most people to do the right thing, Have a charitable heart, truly know right from wrong...
I'm not so sure you can credit only the religious populace with the nation's success, although I agree with you to some extent. Some of what is preached by organized religion is indisputably reasonable. Some of it is also utter hogwash. But give them all the credit? Not.

Similarly, blaming the boomers for the current problems is a wide-reaching generalization. Boomers are a disorganized, independent-thinking demographic cohort. Are many of the bad-doers in today's America boomers? Of course. That doesn't mean that boomers are responsible as a group for what we see happening.

I also disagree with your sig. Cut the guy a little more slack. Say, at least another year. Then judge.
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Post by ruckman101 » Wed Dec 01, 2010 3:20 pm

Thanks for the clarification.

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Post by zabo » Wed Dec 01, 2010 3:32 pm

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Post by vdubyah73 » Wed Dec 01, 2010 3:39 pm

kind of a rambling post. sorry.

it's the number of us. there are to many of us exercising our greedy rights. there wasn't the organized religion back in the day that there is now. it was mostly individual groups with no central leadership herding the sheeple. individual groups with preachers in their towns or burroughs. some were good some were bad.

lawsuits for a kid that broke his arm on your swing set. or that stupid one about the Mcdonalds coffee spilled in the lap. no more self reliance but entitlement programs and the generational lifestyle that developed from it. not against these programs but the generations bought up on them are taught how to stay on them. a teacher is leery of touching/hugging a child in the excitement of a job well done. parents blaming the school for not teaching their child while not enforcing homework rules. the rise of the nuclear family. Absentee dads, crippling child support laws so one parent can end up destitute while the other lives large( this can go either way )
Old man, I used to work with lived in the same town his whole life, When his son was born he was having a tough time. He was a rubbish man, used a horse and wagon. The town, as in the town gov't, stepped up and covered his medical bill for the birth. you even see it when driving. texting and shit. people have no situational awareness. why? because we are so self absorbed that we only think about ourselves. common courtesy isn't so common anymore is it? in my limited travels inside of this country I have noticed that common courtesy is quite common in the so called bible belt. The not in my back yard people. Cape cod wants to be green but they don't want a damn wind turbine in their back yard, anybody else have hysterical (historical) committees? every body has there own agenda, very few for the common good. etc....
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Post by ruckman101 » Wed Dec 01, 2010 4:50 pm

It's the entitlement mindset. And I have to agree, personal responsibility seems to be a tough concept for many to grasp.

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Post by vdubyah73 » Wed Dec 01, 2010 5:08 pm

that is what I'm getting at. our politicians have the same mind set. it's all about pandering to the voters and the pac's, constant campaigning instead of just doing whats right. don't remember who said it but at a training conference for all the newly elected governors from last months election an incumbent gov warned the newbies not to make decisions based on the next election but to just do what is right in their judgment. they would suck as gov's if the former and have better success if the later. that certainly rang true for me.
1/20/2013 end of an error
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Post by Highlander » Wed Dec 01, 2010 6:16 pm

Kids. I don't know what's wrong with these kids today. Who can understand anything they say? They a disobedient, disrespectful oafs. Noisy, crazy, dirty, lazy, loafers. You can talk and talk till your face is blue, but they still just do what they want to do.

Why can't they be like we were, perfect in every way? What's the matter with kids today?

(Thanks to Lee Adams and Charles Strouse.)

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