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Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 8:49 pm
by chitwnvw
Velokid1 wrote: I mean, rape. C'mon... the victim gets over it.
Rape? She got laid. Can't rape the willing.

But. No read the police report, etc. The police were working in something of a 'gay pride' parade atmosphere, I can see how they interpreted his behavior. They will have to pay him off eventually. No one is to blame in this one.

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 8:52 pm
by hippiewannabe
Velokid1 wrote:You may be right. Maybe we stop being so concerned with crimes, as long as the victim will be fine. I mean, rape. C'mon... the victim gets over it eventually. Wounds heal. Hardly worth all the breathless rhetoric.
So you are seriously comparing mistakenly roughing up a violent, uncooperative, uncommunicative oddball outside a bar with the crime of rape? If you don't see the difference, it can't be explained to you.

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 9:40 pm
by ruckman101
hippiewannabe wrote:
Velokid1 wrote:You may be right. Maybe we stop being so concerned with crimes, as long as the victim will be fine. I mean, rape. C'mon... the victim gets over it eventually. Wounds heal. Hardly worth all the breathless rhetoric.
So you are seriously comparing mistakenly roughing up a violent, uncooperative, uncommunicative oddball outside a bar with the crime of rape? If you don't see the difference, it can't be explained to you.
Uhmm, I read sarcasm into that statement. Jaded, but sarcastic.


Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 8:30 am
by Velokid1
hippiewannabe wrote:
Velokid1 wrote:You may be right. Maybe we stop being so concerned with crimes, as long as the victim will be fine. I mean, rape. C'mon... the victim gets over it eventually. Wounds heal. Hardly worth all the breathless rhetoric.
So you are seriously comparing mistakenly roughing up a violent, uncooperative, uncommunicative oddball outside a bar with the crime of rape? If you don't see the difference, it can't be explained to you.
Oh, I see the differences. The real question is, can you see the similarities?

I think you can but pretend not to.

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 9:31 am
by blatzer
here's my point- as a society we now tolerate a level of brutality from our 'public servants' that is criminal- the gang mentality belongs to the enforcement brigade and it's institutionalized, ie encouraged from the top- sooner or later you're face is going to engage a gun butt, billy club, or tazer and you're crime will have been refusing to submit to your 'masters'

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 9:47 am
by dtrumbo
blatzer wrote: sooner or later you're face is going to engage a gun butt, billy club, or tazer and you're crime will have been refusing to submit to your 'masters'
No it won't. My face will never be butted, billied or tazed. Why? I don't put myself in the situation to have that happen. I absolutely DO NOT condone police brutality, but to make the blanket statement that "we all will have this happen to us" is asinine. I do not live in fear, I do what I want, go where I want, when I want. However, I am smart enough not put myself in situations that are dangerous or otherwise 'not smart'. We learned a basic version of this when our parents taught us to look both ways when we cross the street.

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 2:15 pm
by blatzer
imagine this scenario, a policeman comes over to your car and for no apparent reason, says i need to see your license and search your vehicle- you say, is there a problem here because i havent done anything wrong and unless you have a warrant i'm afraid i don't want you to search my car- it's called the 4th amendment- what do you see as the outcome of this 'hypothetical' situation

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 2:21 pm
by ruckman101
blatzer wrote:imagine this scenario, a policeman comes over to your car and for no apparent reason, says i need to see your license and search your vehicle- you say, is there a problem here because i havent done anything wrong and unless you have a warrant i'm afraid i don't want you to search my car- it's called the 4th amendment- what do you see as the outcome of this 'hypothetical' situation
Your papers please. Deportation.


Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 5:24 pm
by chitwnvw
blatzer wrote:- what do you see as the outcome of this 'hypothetical' situation
Probably depend on the color of your skin.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 6:57 am
by RussellK
blatzer wrote:here's my point- as a society we now tolerate a level of brutality from our 'public servants' that is criminal- the gang mentality belongs to the enforcement brigade and it's institutionalized, ie encouraged from the top- sooner or later you're face is going to engage a gun butt, billy club, or tazer and you're crime will have been refusing to submit to your 'masters'
You make this sound as if this is a new development. Our history is checkered with violence at the hands of authority. The conscription riots in the 1860s, the labor movement, the treatment of migrants in the 30's, the civil rights movement. I disagree wholeheartedly that we now tolerate a criminal level of brutality. There's a camera and a 24 hour news service salivating to show footage everywhere you turn. As a result accountability is at an all time high.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 9:52 pm
by blatzer
was there public outcry in the past when abuses were ravaged on the people? is there outcry today as a result of all this 'coverage' or does the media just go along with the brutality and blame the victim? i challenge any body of any color to tell a cop that he can't search your car without a warrant- i'll bet that your fear will stop you from doing it, even if you've got nothing to be afraid of, except the police! when the people fear the government, that's called tyranny

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 10:41 pm
by Velokid1
I'll never let those d-bags search my person, car or home without a search warrant. I enjoy saying no to the police. But blatzer's point is valid- I am the exception because I can't stand pigs.

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 1:40 am
by ruckman101
blatzer wrote:was there public outcry in the past when abuses were ravaged on the people? is there outcry today as a result of all this 'coverage' or does the media just go along with the brutality and blame the victim? i challenge any body of any color to tell a cop that he can't search your car without a warrant- i'll bet that your fear will stop you from doing it, even if you've got nothing to be afraid of, except the police! when the people fear the government, that's called tyranny
I have never given a police officer permission to search my car or person. Well that's not quite true. Once I did. "Knock yourself out."

"Can I search your car?" "No." He did anyway. "Probable cause." If they want to, they will.

The one time I said sure, search the car, the officer whined to me after the fact, "You should clean your car." Fuck you, you wanted to paw through it asshole, just bitter cuz it was clean?

All in all, I have a lot of respect for police officers. They're job is thankless for the most part. And there are bad apples. Impossible situations. Cop assisted suicides. Touchy situation in Stumptown at the moment.

Absolutely no interest in bankrolling support systems for the insane, tossed to the streets homeless delusional. Police officers are social workers to some extent, at least the good ones, but not to the level of dealing with the insane*.

A no win situation.

I'm sure the state of Idaho is breathing easier after their county sheriff deputy essentially escorted me back to the Oregon border a few months ago. He was kind of relieved and disappointed that I apparently wasn't running drugs or guns.


*not that autism is insanity. Differently abled, but not insane.

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 7:03 am
by Velokid1
Around here 2/3 of them are good. But I put them all on the hook for tolerating their corrupt, loser, do-nothing-except-when-it's-easy-for-me coworkers who comprise the other 1/3.

Kinda like the way they say "99 out of 100 people we pull over are good people, but we'll treat you all like dangerous criminals who deserve no respect because we never know if you're the one who's going to pull out a gun."

Well, I never know if YOU're a cop I can trust or not, so I'm not going to cooperate with any of you until a court orders me to do so. Why should I make your day easier when you just pulled me over on a bicycle for not putting my foot down at a stop sign?


Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 9:47 pm
by CaptainBoiz
blatzer wrote:here's my point- as a society we now tolerate a level of brutality from our 'public servants' that is criminal- the gang mentality belongs to the enforcement brigade and it's institutionalized, ie encouraged from the top- sooner or later you're face is going to engage a gun butt, billy club, or tazer and you're crime will have been refusing to submit to your 'masters'
I liked the way you think, you have a point!!... :argue: :la: :cya: