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Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 9:49 am
by Velokid1
steve74baywin wrote:
Velokid1 wrote:
steve74baywin wrote: There are many Dems who also who have sold their soul to the devil,,,if there is one.
Just to make sure we're on the same page.... by "the devil," you mean Rumsfeld, right?
Refering to them voting in favor of the rich, or to stay rich over what is morally right
I completely agree and was just making a Chavez joke. I was setting someone up for the punchline, "No, Bush is clearly the Devil. Rumsfeld is just the Robin to his Batman." ;)

One of my least-often-agreed-with assertions is that anyone who sides with either Republicans or Democrats is a sucker. Both parties have a vested interest in having American's play that game, their game, where the political arena is reduced to a 2-horse race at all times.

In bicycle racing, you always want to reach the end of the race alongside the fewest number of opponents you can manage... split the field so that you have a better chance of winning in the sprint to the line. I like my chances of sprinting against five guys better than I like my chances sprinting in a field of 25.

The two-party system is crap and anyone who sides with one party or another is doing so only because they want to be on what they believe will be the winning team, even if in their heart they truly only believe in 40% of what that party professes and/or strives to achieve.

I have political allegiance to nobody. Cuz I'm all stinkfooted like that. :geek: